For NAR Members

As a benefit of membership, we permit NAR members to cite and reprint material from NAR's Research & Statistics group on—with some exceptions and exclusions.

  • Read the Reprint Guidelines in their entirety before you proceed with reprinting any material from the site.

Please note that this permission does not extend to the photography, images, or illustration that accompanies the content because the National Association of REALTORS® generally does not own those photographs, images, or illustrations. Infographics, however, that have been created by the National Association of REALTORS® that have the NAR logo and copyright can be used by members for their businesses.

Citation Guidelines for Research & Data

To cite or reprint a research report, statistical release, presentation, or blog article, please follow these three steps:

1. Determine if the content you want to cite or reprint is copyrighted by NAR. NAR does not hold copyright if the article contains language at the end that specifies a different copyright holder, (e.g., © Copyright 2011 Information Inc.) If there is no copyright line, you have the right to cite and reprint the article for personal use, provided that you use the reprint language below and follow the guidelines set forth here.

If an online article that is not on cites NAR data or research, you will need to find the original data or report and cite it directly. If a third party website, such as a media outlet, uses NAR data combined with data from other sources to create an original chart, citation will need to be directed to the online article.

2. You do not need to seek permission to link from your website to items on, provided you are not reprinting material. Please note for your visitors that the link goes to the website of the National Association of REALTORS® with the proper citation below.

For reprint, send us an e-mail informing us of your intention to reprint content from the Research & Statistics group. Send the email to the data mailbox at In your email, include your name, company name, the article or column to be reprinted, how the reprint will be used (for example, if you plan to post the story on your website, include it in your newsletter, or pass out to clients), or the name of the publication in which the reprint will appear. If you have any questions regarding the reprint policy or procedures, please send an email to the above email address.

3. Give credit. You must credit NAR using the appropriate permission language:

When citing from NAR’s Research and Commercial Reports:

Copyright ©date “Title of Research Report.” Publishing Organization in Italics. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. Publication date and/or access date if available, URL.

For example:

When citing from NAR’s Housing Statistics:

Copyright ©date “Title of Data Worksheet.” Publishing Organization in Italics. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. Publication date and/or access date if available, URL.

For example:

When citing from a blog on NAR’s The Economists’ Outlook Blog:

Last name, First name. “Title of Blog.” Publishing Organization in Italics, name of blog source. Publication date and/or access date if available, URL.

For example:

When citing from one of NAR’s Presentations:

Presented by First name Last name, “Title of Presentation,” Publishing Organization or Name of Website in Italics. Location of presentation, publication date and/or access date if available, URL.

For example:

For Non-Members

Per's Terms of Use, non-members may not reproduce any content from without express written permission. To inquire about reprints, contact NAR's Member Support: 800-874-6500 or Contact Us.

With regards to NAR Housing Statistics releases, while this information is made publicly available at the time of release, it is strictly prohibited to collect the data and resell to third-party customers for profit without permission. Should you wish to provide the statistical data to customers, you may purchase the data under contract. Please contact Caroline Van Hollen,, for more information.

Housing Statistic releases include the following:

  • Existing-Home Sales, Pending Home Sales Index, Housing Affordability Index, REALTORS® Affordability Distribution Curve and Score, Metropolitan Median Home Prices and Affordability, and County Median Home Prices and Monthly Mortgage Payment

What You Can Reprint

Public pages of You may reprint written content—in hard copy, on a website, or other electronic communication—as long as the content comes from public pages on (public pages do not require a username and password for access), and the copyright for the content is held by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. (NAR does not hold copyright if the article contains language at the end that specifies a different copyright holder, e.g., © Copyright 2011 Information Inc.)

Written content must be reproduced in full. For each item you reproduce, please include the following attribution:

  • Copyright ©[insert year] NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. All rights reserved.  Reprinted with permission.

REALTOR® Store E-products: You may use content and information from REALTOR® Store e-products, as long as the information is properly attributed to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, is not altered, and clearly displays this copyright line:

  • Copyright ©2016 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

Linking to

If you link from your website to items on, you do not need permission, provided you are not reprinting material. Please note for your visitors that the link goes to the website of the National Association of REALTORS®. You may want open the link open in a new browser tab, so visitors don't navigate away from your site.

For Media

For general inquiries from members of the media, please contact For more specific requests, please direct your questions to a member of NAR Media Contacts.