Cover of the Veterans & Active Military Home Buyers Profile

Key Findings

  • Unique to active-service military buyers
    • Most likely to buy a multi-generational home and most likely to have children under the age of 18 in the home
    • Move furthest away from previous home
    • Have the youngest median age
    • Most likely reason to move in future is for a job change or to flip home
  • Unique to veteran buyers
    • Largest group purchasing a home as a married couple
    • Most likely to purchase a home as a single male
    • Have the oldest median age
  • Unique to non-military buyers
    • Biggest reason to move in future is for a better neighborhood
    • Bought the smallest size home
    • Least likely to purchase a multi-generational home
    • Move the shortest distance
Bullet points visual: Median Size and Price of Home Purchased: Active Military, Veteran, Non-military
Bar graph: Type of Loan Used: Active Military, Veteran, Non-military
Bar graph: Household Composition: Active Military, Veteran, and Non-military

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