Quick Takeaways

  • Websites have a “shelf life” between 18-30 months
  • Redesign should solve a problem
  • Your site should work for your visitors

Source: How Often Should You Redesign Your Website? (Business2Community, Jun. 28, 2023)

NAR’s Core Standards for associations has a technology requirement and a compliance guide.

The best real estate association websites provide useful information, in clean style.  Ease of navigation, a Call to Action button, member resources and buyer and seller information are also important features.

Website redesign gives you the opportunity to make your website more user friendly and more attractive to visitors.  Create your website redesign budget by listing top priorities, identify the new features needed and get a range of price quotes from several designers.

When writing for the web, highlight the most important information first. Avoid long paragraphs and set out the information in easy to read “chunks of ideas. Write in a conversational tone, be direct and research your reader.

See References for more information.

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