Member Benefit

Housed within REALTORS® Insurance Place, the Members Health Insurance Exchange provides NAR members with access to qualified (ACA) major medical insurance plans.

Through the exchange, members can research health insurance information, obtain quotes, compare plans and purchase directly online. All of the insurance plans offered in the Members Health Insurance Exchange are Affordable Care Act qualified plans from top-rated insurance carriers.

Licensed benefit specialists are available by phone to help you find coverage for yourself and your family.

The Members Health Insurance Exchange provides easy access to ACA-qualified health plans (pending state availability, individual eligibility, and age requirements), including:

  • HMOs (Health Maintenance Organization)
  • PPOs (Preferred Provider Organization)
  • High Deductible health plans
  • Health Savings Account qualified high deductible health plans

The Exchange allows you to quickly sort ACA-qualified plans by multiple variables, including carrier, deductible(s), price, types of plans, types of coverage, and more. It is administered by SASid, a long-term and trusted NAR partner.

Note: With the shifting health insurance landscape, and some states only having a few choices for certain types of major medical coverage that meet the mandates of the Affordable Care Act, SASid’s team is committed to providing the best and most effective options available per state, regardless of where the national discussion and/or current legislation leads. These include alternative options to ACA plans, such as flexible-term major medical plans (some of which have policy riders allowing them to last up to 364 days); supplemental options such as REALTORS® Core Health Insurance (a limited medical indemnity plan), an accident protection plan, and a telemedicine plan.

How to Obtain This Offer

* Qualified Health Plans available through REALTORS® Insurance Place are currently available in most states. Availability is subject to change.