The REALTOR® Party’s combined federal, state, and local advocacy operations now provide associations with a host of new opportunities and resources. Take advantage of the new programs for 2019 designed to address the advocacy needs of all sizes of REALTOR® associations, both rural and urban, and all levels of political savvy.

New in 2019

Rural Outreach Program

This program will reach out to rural REALTOR® associations to help them identify issues and community needs that they could address using REALTOR® Party resources, especially community outreach resources.

Urban Training Initiative

The local REALTOR® associations representing the largest 50 cities in the U.S. account for one-third of NAR’s membership and face their own opportunities and challenges. These associations will receive specialized education, training, and research to help meet their needs.

Advocacy Graphics Warehouse

NAR will create a two-way online portal for NAR and state and local REALTOR® associations to upload and share graphics that can be downloaded and reused.

FPC Advocacy Academy

This intense and interactive training program would be required for all new federal political coordinators. All FPCs will be expected to participate in this program when they onboard in a new congressional cycle.

REALTOR® Party Social Media Ambassador Program

Leveraging the social clout of REALTORS®, NAR will provide a monthly menu of shareable advocacy related content (infographics, videos, tweets, and posts) with selected REALTORS® to amplify NAR’s advocacy voice. Content will reside on the REALTOR® Party website for ambassadors to download and share on their personal social media profile pages.

RPAC 50 years logo
Plan a 50th anniversary of RPAC event at your association with planning resources at

All-Star Speaker’s Bureau

Representatives of the REALTOR® Party Member Involvement Committee will be available as experts on all areas of advocacy and the REALTOR® Party to speak to your state and local association meetings.

State Key Political Training Grant

This grant will provide resources and consultant expertise to help state associations create a REALTOR® grassroots advocacy program patterned on the successful Federal Political Coordinator program. The grant could also be used to bolster existing programs with training and educational resources.

Consumer Advocacy Outreach Grant

This grant assists local and state associations with creating consumer advocacy activities or campaigns. Grant funds can be used on consumer awareness (before an issue campaign) or consumer education (after a legislative victory), and can be used to develop materials such as videos, infographics and social content.

Transforming Neighborhoods by Addressing Vacant Properties

This program will offer specialized in-person training to REALTORS®, elected officials, municipal staff, and housing and neighborhood advocates to address the problems of vacant, abandoned, and blighted properties.

Comprehensive Approach to Community Outreach Activities

The largest local associations (those with more than 15,000 members) can propose a comprehensive bundle of community outreach for NAR funding rather than applying individually for grants or program assistance.

REALTOR® Party Resource Guide

New REALTOR® Party programs for state and local associations, along with existing programs, are detailed in the REALTOR® Party Resource Guide at