If you want to know what your young members want, ask them. REALTOR® AE magazine’s August survey of nearly 200 REALTORS® under 40 from across the country found that they have a wealth of opinions about what their associations should offer. They have creative ideas to improve participation and efficiency. And they want to be involved. But nearly 20 percent say their association’s volunteer and leadership opportunities are not open equally to members of all ages.

Young members’ ability to find a voice and a place in the REALTOR® organization has been facilitated in the past five years largely by the formation of Young Professional Networks, now in more than 200 associations and at the national level. Young professionals want technology, they want convenience, they want business expertise, and they want to be respected for their contributions, regardless of their age.  

For survey results, see pages 12–15 of the Fall 2012 REALTOR AE magazine PDF version.

You may also access the raw survey data, including comments: