The theme of our REALTOR® AE summer issue could not be better timed. Preparing volunteer leaders is such an important part of what we do. The theme of our REALTOR® AE summer issue could not be better timed. Preparing volunteer leaders is such an important part of what we do.

So, what are we doing locally to make sure that our future leaders are getting the proper care and feeding necessary for their standing ovation? Well, for a start, take advantage of the information shared in this issue of REALTOR® AE and continue to do what we always do: Learn from one another. In addition, it is important to recognize that you, yourself, are a leader. I know this sounds like I am stating the obvious. However, I often run into fellow AEs who I know to be leaders but they sell themselves short. They are full of great ideas and know how to inspire others, but they think their job is to be in the shadows and not share their experience and insights. Maybe they are afraid of failure or of having their contributions discounted. Well, if failure and discounting aren’t happening occasionally, then to me that means you aren’t leading—you’re just going along for the ride. Put yourself out there and be present.

Finally, I would ask what you are doing today to make sure your president elect is ready to lead next year. My president this year, Becca Linnig, has been a wonderful leader. She’s not afraid of risk or failure, she’s inclusive, and she’s great at the podium. I was complimenting her recently and she turned it around to one of the best compliments an AE can receive. She said, “You prepared me for this. I was ready.” Now, I know that with Becca, I had good material to work with from the beginning. Yet I am going to let that compliment marinate awhile because it gives me a bar to set for all my future leaders. If they are prepared, everyone wins, and the members will see their leadership and want to become leaders.

Make that connection with your leaders, be inspirational, be authentic, and give yourself a standing ovation. Enjoy this issue and have a wonderful summer.

-Rebecca Grossman