In this issue: Associations take innovative approaches to advancing 2021 advocacy priorities, limits on in-person gatherings haven’t stopped associations from nurturing relationships with local and state officials, AE awards recognize excellence, and much more.

In This Issue

Advocacy and Alliances

Author Janet Kane, CEO of MetroTex Association of REALTORS® discusses the National Association of REALTORS® advocacy efforts in these uncertain times.

Antibodies for the Inevitable

AE Elizabeth S. Breen offers useful insights into authors Kegan and Lahey's book Immunity to Change where they tackle team learning and productivity.

FOCUS: 2021

Freelance writer Richard Westlund takes a look at how four associations are driving their advocacy programs in a challenging economic climate.

Capitol Days Reconceived

REALTOR® associations continue to nurture relationships with state and local officials despite the replacement of in-person meetings.

Lobby Level

Jarrod C. Grasso, RCE, of the New Jersey REALTORS® answers questions about how AE's can get involved in advocacy.
