Remembering Judith Lindenau


The REALTOR® family lost one of its most prolific, visionary, and beloved association executives on May 13 when Judith Lindenau, 72, passed away after her third battle with cancer.

Retired from the Traverse Area Association of REALTORS® in 2007 after 29 years, Lindenau enjoyed a second career as a consultant to REALTOR® associations across the country. She freely shared her insights on association management through her blog and contributions to this publication and others. She served as a mentor and adviser to many in association management and the real estate community.

Prior to joining the REALTOR® family, Lindenau was a professor at the University of South Dakota and later an instructor of music and creative writing at the Interlochen Arts Academy in Interlochen, Mich.

In 2003 Lindenau received the William R. Magel Award of Excellence in REALTOR® Association Management. She served on several state and national committees including the National Association of REALTORS® Strategic Planning Committee. She was a charter member of the REALTOR® Certified Executive (RCE) certification board and an RCE scholarship now bears her name: the Judith Lindenau, RCE, CAE, Scholarship.

Lindenau served on the Board of the International Real Property Foundation, and served as an envoy to Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia, Georgia, Russia, Africa, and Armenia to assist in the creation of real estate trade associations in emerging nations. Lindenau wrote the IRPF’s “Handbook for Real Estate Associations,” a publication used by the volunteer leaders and staff of real estate associations around the world.

Judith is survived by her two children, stepfather, and a brother. Remembrance donations can be made to the American Cancer Society or the Judith Lindenau, RCE, CAE, Scholarship, care of the AE Professional Development Fund, National Association of REALTORS®, 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611.

AEs On The Move: News AEs and AEs in new Positions

  • Brittani Cowles, 84-member Wilkes County Association of REALTORS®, N.C.
  • Brandy Gofourth, 134-member Stillwater Board of REALTORS®, Okla.
  • Annalee Hickey, 121-member Spanish Peaks Board of REALTORS®, Colo.
  • Lori Kelly, 262-member New Canaan Board of REALTORS®, Conn.
  • Davina Lara, 768-member Palm Springs Regional Association of REALTORS®, Calif.
  • Robyn Locke,  Montana Association of REALTORS®
  • Norman Morris, 11,138-member Louisiana REALTORS® Association.
  • Christopher Nave, 788-member Outer Banks Association of REALTORS®, N.C.
  • Amber Robertson, 37-member Idyllwild Association of REALTORS®, Calif.
  • Dave Stefanides, 10,965-member Orange County Association of REALTORS®, Calif.
  • Robert Taylor, 640-member Grosse Point Board of REALTORS®, Mich.
  • Brian Toohey, RCE, 508-member Columbia Board of REALTORS®, Mo.
  • Chelsea Westerberg, 1,528-member Alaska Association of REALTORS®.
  • Tracy Wommack, 168-member Texarkana Board of REALTORS®, Ark.