The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® board of directors acknowledged the growing complexity of MLS technology issues by creating an MLS Technology and Emerging Issues Subcommittee that will anticipate and analyze MLS technology issues.

The subcommittee has a chair and 15 members, eight of whom are REALTORS® with experience in governance or operation of a local or regional MLS, and the rest are MLS administrators or MLS technology or administrative staff. Among them are Carl DeMusz, RCE, CEO of the Northern Ohio Regional MLS; Merri Jo Cowen, RCE, ePRO, CEO of the My Florida Regional MLS; Shawn Dauphine, MLS director at the Houston Association of REALTORS®; Jim Harrison, RCE, president and CEO of MLSListings, Calif.; and Rachel Wiest, RCE, vice president of operations for Triangle MLS, N.C.

The work of the Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee has become increasingly difficult as the amount and complexity of technology involved in MLS and in real estate brokerage have grown. This subcommittee of technologists will provide a better view of how information moves in cyberspace and the effect of technologies on real estate transactions.

This group is charged with developing timely, relevant proposals for optimizing the value of MLS for REALTORS® and consumers for consideration by the MLS Committee and the NAR Board of Directors. Look for updates on their work here and online at