On May 19, the National Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors will consider a budget proposal that includes $35 million in new programming for its 1.3 million members. The additional funding will go to the association's new S.M.A.R.T. Initiatives (Strategic Measures Advancing REALTORS® to Tomorrow). This proposed investment in the members' future is $30 per member. If approved, local and state associations are encouraged to follow NAR's lead in communicating the news with a focus on transparency and member value. A booklet, presented at the 2018 Association Executive Institute, laid out the background and rational for this new programming. "With the transition to an information economy and the digital landscape populated with smart phones, smart TVs, and smart homes, the new day at NAR demands a smart NAR," said NAR CEO Bob Goldberg.

For more, visit nar.realtor/smartbudget.
