Heeding the call of 2021 National Association of REALTORS® President Charlie Oppler, the Howard County (Md.) Association of REALTORS® sprang into action to participate in REALTORS® Are Good Neighbors Volunteer Days in October.

HCAR tapped its more than 2,200 members to collect donations for Columbia Community Care, an organization that provides essential supplies to local families in need. Dozens of members staffed distribution sites wearing blue REALTORS® Are Good Neighbors T-shirts and handing out donated food, toiletries, diapers, and other supplies to area residents.

HCAR’s 2021 President, Shirley Matlock, spearheaded the effort and says giving back is a part of who REALTORS® are as people and professionals. “We encouraged our members who have a heart for service and a passion for giving back to participate in this worthy initiative, and they answered the call in a big way,” she says.

HCAR CEO Jessica Coates says the experience was uplifting and inspirational. “To not only provide the organization with donated supplies, but also physically hand those donations to the people who need them, was truly an amazing experience,” she says.