A survey of REALTOR® association executives shows that meeting strategic goals is rewarded financially.

Your job performance review is an essential part of your association’s overall management. When conducted properly, the review validates your performance, sets a course for the future, and cements a common management vision between the AE and the elected leaders. When conducted improperly, performance reviews are demotivating and frustrating and can negatively affect morale and job performance.

An overwhelming 651 REALTOR® AEs completed our AE performance review survey earlier this year, indicating high interest in reporting their experiences and expressing their views.

The good news is that 69 percent of survey respondents had a review completed within the last year. Feedback is important in order to understand where your strengths are and identify areas where you can improve and grow professionally. Nearly 69 percent of respondents are reviewed annually. Unfortunately, 11 percent of AEs said they had never had a review.

Performance past and future

Another disappointing survey result is that performance goals were set for only half of the respondents. A performance review without goals for the future leaves AEs with no understanding of leadership’s expectations or priorities. Only through an open discussion of initiatives, timelines, and measurable outcomes will AEs stay focused and meet leadership’s goals.

Presidents’ point of view

According to the survey, more than half of AEs are reviewed by their associations’ president, usually together with the immediate past president and others from the leadership team. AEs are often reviewed by a personnel committee consisting of leadership and other members. Unfortunately, 28 percent of AEs said their reviewers did not fairly or accurately evaluate their job performance. Many AEs said elected leaders failed to show up for reviews or that planned reviews are never scheduled. Common among the survey comments were statements such as, “The volunteers have no idea what AEs do on a regular basis. We try to keep them informed, but what we do on a daily basis is so foreign to what they do.”

Toot your own horn

One key to a successful job evaluation is to present your reviewers with highlights of your accomplishments in the past year (since they most likely won’t remember all of them). Just over half of survey respondents said they present the review board with a written report, while others said they present a verbal report.

Tools for fair and accurate reviews

Although there are many ways to conduct an AE performance review within an association, NAR has compiled resources, samples, and guidance from associations across the country to help you and your elected leaders clarify the review’s purpose and follow the most common best practices for conducting the review. The sample review forms are varied to meet your leadership’s needs and include a 3-, 4-, and 5-point scale. Sample forms can be found at nar.realtor/ae/manage-your-association/human-resources-toolkit/chief-staff-performance-evaluation.

The review process can go smoothly if you understand expectations, keep a record of your accomplishments, and provide the tools to your leadership to guide them along the way.

Donna Garcia is director of human resource services for the National Association of REALTORS®. Contact her at 312-329-8311 or dgarcia@realtors.org.