REALTOR® Leadership Program—100, 200, 300, and new 400

Four courses make up the REALTOR® Leadership Program from NAR. The L100 course is a free self-guided online course covering the essentials for new leaders, including association structures, decision making, volunteer responsibilities and roles, and more. The L200 and L300 courses are three-hour workshops for committee and board members (and aspiring volunteer leaders), and led by trained facilitators who dive deeper into topics, such as how to foster effective discussion and debate, how to build consensus, how to build and implement a strategic plan, and handling difficult situations in leadership. The new L400: Taking the Reins, debuts Sun., Aug. 5, at the Leadership Summit, Chicago. This optional, full-day, fee-based course is for presidents and presidents-elect to better understand their responsibilities during their year and to help them take on the position with confidence.

REALTORS® Excelling in Association Leadership Self-Study Course

This free, online self-study course at (search: REAL) is an introduction for REALTORS® who want to get involved and pursue a leadership position with their local or state association. It covers real estate issues and trends; enhancing leadership skills; meeting management; governing documents and policies; legal and regulatory activities; and visioning, planning, and budgeting.

Leadership Assessment

REALTOR® University offers a free, in-depth leadership assessment tool to help leaders evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. The scenario-based assessment requires users to make judgments on how to lead and react in no-win and timed exercises. After the assessment, users are provided with micro courses to bolster their skills in areas where they scored poorly. There are micro courses on conflict management, building trust, emotional intelligence, effective communication, and gathering information. Available at

Leadership Express

These free, live sessions, held every year at the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo, feature industry leaders, association management experts, or leadership consultants, addressing common and emerging topics.

Leadership Networking

Local and state leaders can attend roundtable discussions on a variety of local topics as well as join their AEs at the State and Local Leadership Idea Exchange Councils, which are structured according to association membership size. These networking opportunities are offered free of charge at each of the two national meetings.

Volunteer Leadership Resources

The documents in this section of are designed to brief first-time volunteer leaders on their core responsibilities and direct them to more resources available at NAR.

Commercial Leadership Development Day

This full-day program, held annually in conjunction with the NAR Leadership Summit in Chicago, provides AEs, staff, and incoming leaders with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to strengthen their association’s commercial services.

NAR Leadership Summit

This two-day event for AEs and their incoming presidents strengthen connections in the association community. Sessions focus on emerging industry trends, association developments, new programs, and leadership skills.