Every state and local REALTOR® association is invited to join NAR in celebrating the centennial of the Code of Ethics. NAR’s yearlong celebration kicked off at the REALTORS® Conference in November and includes communications and events throughout 2013. State and local associations can participate in, and mirror, NAR’s efforts on the local level in a number of ways.

Centennial graphics for associations to print, and electronic communication vehicles—along with background and history of the Code of Ethics, widgets, a video you can embed at your site, and more details on upcoming NAR events—are available at nar.realtor.

At the Greater Manchester/Nashua Board of REALTORS®, N.H., 2013 President Gail Athas has chosen the Code of Ethics as her focus this year. All leadership will wear Code of Ethics pins and events throughout the year will emphasize how the code differentiates REALTORS® from other real estate practitioners.

At the Oregon Association of REALTORS®, “Our president had an idea to put part of the code in each of our monthly e-newsletters to highlight it throughout the year,” says Jennifer Hauge, the association’s director of communications and professional development.

The Missouri Association of REALTORS® decided to commemorate the code’s 100-year anniversary as part of a Leadership Academy class project that included designing a custom postage stamp that enabled the MAR to promote the centennial on all its mailings, a public awareness campaign, a monthly newsletter article, and T-shirts.

How do you plan to celebrate?

For more ideas on promoting the centennial locally, or to upload your idea to share, visit the Code of Ethics Centennial page on nar.realtor.