Not only are empty properties (foreclosed, partially constructed, and unsold homes) the settings for theft, but police nationwide cite instances of people moving into these houses illegally, youths holding parties, and even growing marijuana on the lawn.
Responding to concerns from its members, the East Metro Board of REALTORS®, Ga., is partnering with Newton County Home Builders and the local sheriff’s department to form a community watch program aimed at reducing the incidences of vandalism on foreclosed and empty houses on the market.
“The incidence of vandalism has increased in the community, especially for -vacant homes, due to foreclosure,” says Debbie Junkin, RCE, director of administration for the Georgia Association of REALTORS® and former executive officer of the East Metro Board. “Several subdivisions that are under construction have experienced a stand-still in development and have been targeted by vandals who strip copper wiring, appliances, and carpeting.”
“Our goal is to pull in various segments of the community to help patrol the neighborhoods, especially those that have many vacant homes,” says Andrea Hammond, executive officer of the Newton County Home Builders Association. The patrol—which will include REALTORS®, police, and utility workers, among others—will keep a watchful eye in areas where there are either empty or partially completed homes. “We hope that having extra pairs of eyes will not only help prevent crime, but will deter it,” says Hammond. Bumper stickers will be supplied to each participating business to raise visibility with local residents.
The growing instances of copper-pipe theft in abandoned and foreclosed homes across Massachusetts, particularly in urban areas, prompted the leadership of the Massachusetts Association of REALTORS® to meet with their state attorney general. MAR pledged to help develop a legislative or regulatory solution to the problem.
Stripping a home of copper piping and other valuable materials can severely delay transactions and, in many cases, reduce the property to a condition such that ordinary buyers are unable to finance the repairs needed. Recently the attorney general filed a bill to create a statewide abandoned housing registry and a second-hand metal registry.
“We are seeing a tremendous increase in the amount of property being stolen from vacant homes for its salvage value, particularly copper products such as plumbing pipes, gutters, and copper roofs,” says Shelia Willis, EVP, Durham Regional Association of REALTORS®. “Also targeted are heat and air conditioning systems and appliances.”
To help combat the problem, Willis launched a survey of her membership to detail the economic impact of the vandalism. The data—not yet compiled—will bring weight to the association’s plan to pressure local officials and law enforcement groups to apprehend and punish the violators and hold scrap dealers accountable for the purchase of these goods, says Willis.
Other associations are pushing their local governments to enforce existing ordinances on upkeep. n
What’s your most popular ed class lately?
* One session that we had at our fall conference that was very successful was how to take advantage of loans from our State Housing Finance Agency and FHA. We had representatives from the state agency and our local HUD office talk about the different programs available. —Eric D. Berman, communications director, Massachusetts Association of REALTORS®
* These two sessions were very well received: “Ask an Appraiser,” which featured a panel of three appraisers and covered calculating square footage in open floor plans, determining house type, FHA requirements, and more; and “Be a Survivor,” which was a moderated panel with successful veteran REALTORS® to share secrets of success, a lender to talk about financing programs, and a staging professional to offer simple tips for sellers. —Beth Izzo, PR director, REALTORS® Association of York & Adams Counties, Pa.
* Our Fall Forum that was very well received by our members featured Dr. Lawrence Yun from NAR to give us an update on the real estate market. He did a great job and even pulled some information for our St. Paul/Minneapolis market. We also invited our state demographer, who gave us a look at shifting populations and demographics from across the state. Our final speaker was a business planner with a tax background. We gave each speaker about an hour to work with and we called it “Forecasting Your Future,” which really tied the three topics together. —Meg Chiodo, communications and marketing dir., Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS®
* A couple of hot topics we’ve done that were well attended in the last year were “Green Building” and “Negotiation Expert.” We’re looking into offering a social networking seminar since that seems to be a hot topic as well. —Jessica Kern, marketing communications manager, Chicago
Association of REALTORS®
* We had a great member turnout for these sessions: “The Five Risks Keeping Agents and their Brokers Awake,” “New Laws that Will Change Your Business,” and “Changes in the Local Economy,” which covered loss mitigation, the short-sale process, challenges for banks, and distressed home sales. —Jill M. Landsman, communications and media relations director, Northern Virginia Association of REALTORS®
Statewide Social Networking Online
The Kansas Association of REALTORS® recently launched a unique social networking site ( just for members. “It’s an entire Facebook-like site, with members having the ability to upload photos and videos, host forums, and create groups,” says Christy Stinger, VP of administrative services. “We’re hoping it creates a way for members to learn survival tips from each other—without competitive stigma.”
Contributing to Communities
Realtors® synchronize statewide volunteerism on Reach Out Week
An astounding 2,200 Realtors® across Pennsylvania participated in the state Realtors® association’s Reach Out Week, Oct. 20-26. The event was designed to demonstrate how much Realtors® contribute to their communities through volunteer work.
During the event, 27 local associations donated $28,085, collected 5,500 pounds of food, and contributed 1,000 pieces of clothing to charitable organizations. Members also refurbished homes, cleaned up local communities, and held auctions and blood drives as part of the initiative.
Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell issued a proclamation recognizing the state association and its 34,500 Realtor® members for their volunteerism throughout the Commonwealth. “These dedicated professionals advance civil development and economic growth in the commonwealth and among its citizens, work for economy and efficiency in government, and volunteer their time to a variety of charitable organizations,” said Rendell.
“Pennsylvania Realtors® volunteer throughout the year but we wanted to make a concerted effort to help out in our communities across the state,” said Bob Hay, president of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors®. “I am truly overwhelmed at the support we’ve gotten from Realtors®,” Hay added.
NAR Green Designation a hit with members
More than 240 students attended NAR’s Green Designation Core Course, held at the 2008 REALTORS® Annual Conference and Expo in Orlando. Two days of instruction, led by -REALTOR® Terry Watson, showed students how green building principles and features can be applied in homes, commercial properties, developments, and communities. Attendees learned how new and existing properties can go green, get greener, or become the greenest, with a range of retrofitting and remodeling options from low-cost fixes to total renovation. The course also encouraged participants to “walk the walk” by adopting eco-friendly practices in their homes and real estate businesses. NAR’s Green Designation development team is working on two more elective courses; Commercial Real Estate and Property Management, to debut later this year. For more information on NAR’s Green Designation, visit
Green Issues Take Priority for Area REALTORS®
“Green” features and certifications are now being noted on listings included in the RealTracs Solutions Multiple Listing Service in Nashville, Tenn. “The focus on environmental issues is significant. Many buyers want to know whether the properties they are considering purchasing have ‘green’ features, or what it might take to include them if they purchase the property,” says Mandy Wachtler, president of the Greater Nashville Association of REALTORS®. In addition to the green information in the MLS, the association is offering members the opportunity to earn the Green Designation from the National Association of REALTORS®. This new designation provides an in-depth understanding of “what green means” for every aspect of real estate, including residential, commercial, and property management. For more, visit
Peggy Kayser Named McDermott Award Recipient
If Peggy J. Kayser, RCE, wasn’t CEO of the -Realtor® Association of NorthWest Chicagoland, she just might be head of a charity organization. Helping others is her passion, she says.
In addition to the charity programs her association pursues, Kayser is personally involved in half a dozen causes at any time. Lately these have ranged from volunteering at a local food pantry to organizing the donation of books to a rural Georgia town library. “I have a hard time saying no,” she says. “Nearly everything I do comes out of my own pocket.”
This type of dedication is what the Terry McDermott Community Leadership Award was created to honor.
“I was surprised and overjoyed to hear about the award,” says Kayser, who will be officially recognized at the 2009 Association Executives Institute in Colorado Springs.
As the economy continues to batter American families, Kayser says it’s humbling to be on the front lines seeing more and more working families showing up at food pantries and other aid events around Chicagoland. “It’s heartbreaking seeing the people who have lost their jobs,” she says.
In the past few years, Kayser’s association’s charitable foundation has focused its efforts on northern Illinois’ military servicemen and women and their families. In fact, the assistance program, Helping Our Heroes, was the reason the foundation was established, says Kayser. “Members of the association leadership brought up the idea of doing something for the families of veterans,” she recalls. “We weren’t sure exactly what we were -going to do at first, then it evolved into establishing a charitable foundation.”
To date, the program has paid out more than $31,000 to 26 families of soldiers deployed overseas who were in jeopardy of losing their homes.
Branching out from assisting military families, the foundation began directly helping soldiers by sending much-needed care packages.
When describing her drive to community service Kayser cites a motto she heard recently at a conference: “There are five little words that can light a fire under anyone: ‘You can make a difference.’”
MLSs Respond to DOJ Settlement Provisions
Hundreds of MLSs met the Feb. 15, 2009, deadline for compliance with the settlement agreement reached between NAR and the U.S. Department of Justice regarding NAR’s multiple listing policy as relates to the display of MLS listings on brokers’ virtual office Web sites, or VOWs. The terms of the agreement (available in detail on are a win for NAR, REALTORS®, and consumers, and confirm that MLS members must be actively engaged in real estate brokerage by actually helping people buy or sell homes. This will ensure that MLSs are used as originally intended—to help real estate professionals find buyers for people who want to sell their homes, according to NAR.
All MLSs and REALTOR® associations are required to amend their MLS bylaws to incorporate the amendment to the definition of MLS “Participation,” as set forth in the Model Bylaw provisions found in the Handbook on Multiple Listing Policy.
NAR adopted a revised 2008 Virtual Office Web site policy (available online) and all MLSs are required to adopt it as well. “In addition to adopting the new policy, bylaw provision, and rules, it is important that the MLS act consistently with the policy and rules, and enforce the rules in a uniform and even-handed manner,” said NAR General Counsel Laurie Janik. “It is also important that the MLS not adopt any other policy or practice that governs brokers in their operation of VOWs.” For detailed information on the settlement requirements, visit
Associations Receive NAR Funding for Legal Battles
More than $300,000 has been allocated by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®’ Board of Directors to fund four associations’ legal cases involving:
* Point-of-sale requirements imposed by a city on real estate transactions.
* A “tag and hold” law to combat an increase in theft of metal in existing buildings for sale to scrap dealers.
* A local association’s enforcement of its ethics rules.
* The lawfulness of an -association’s disclosure and other forms.
The funds will also help 12 local associations defray their cost of responding to third-party subpoenas in a case brought by the U.S. Department of Justice challenging the rules of an independent MLS.
• California AEs Win Some, Lose Some Anti-Growth Measures
REALTOR® lobbying in California has produced some notable successes on the local ballot during the last election and in other policy debates. The North San Diego County Association of -REALTORS® defeated Proposition O in the city of San Marcos, which would have required general plan amendments to be approved by a vote of the people. In the same election, the San Mateo County Association of REALTORS® led the charge to defeat Measure W in Redwood City. It would have amended the City’s charter to require a two-thrids supermajority vote of approval for development in certain areas. Most -notably, Measure W would have forced approximately 600 private homeowners to solicit a citywide election (with two-thirds approval) for simple room additions and renovations.
Campaigns to defeat another anti-growth measure in Redondo Beach and a transfer tax increase in the Bay Area city of Alameda did not fare as well. However, all four measures benefited from generous state and local support as members responded to interboard solicitations of funds and contributed thousands of dollars to the campaigns.
• Arizona Transfer Tax Put to Rest
The Arizona Association of REALTORS® won its battle to end the transfer tax debate in the state with a ballot victory this past fall, making it illegal “to impose any tax, fee, stamp requirement or other assessment, direct or indirect” on the sale, transfer, or purchase of real property. The provision, added to the Arizona state constitution, will end the frequent attempts in counties across the state to impose transfer taxes while lawmakers and others look for ways to revamp Arizona’s tax structure.
• Texas Focuses on Lobbying for Relief
State and local Texas REALTOR® associations are lobbying for initatives to shore up the housing industry, including property appraisal reform, mortgage fraud prevention, and tax relief. “To be an -advocate of private property rights gets us involved in a lot of issues from appraisal reform and eminent domain issues to transportation,” Daniel Gonzalez, TAR director of legislative affairs, told the Fort Worth Business Press. n
Right Tools, Right Now NAR Discounts Hundreds of Products, Services for Members, Associations
To help members and state and local associations through today’s challenging economic times, the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® is offering nearly 300 valuable resources at cost or for free. The goal of the “Right Tools, Right Now” program is to make NAR’s robust roster of business-building resources more easily available by removing the financial barrier.
Of particular interest to associations, is the “Association and Board Resource Package,” which includes offers such as a $1,000 rebate for all AEs attending the AEI plus a $450 registration fee waver, a $750 rebate for each AE and president-elect attending the August Leadership Summit, a 60-day extension on the dues collection interest penalty date, and free human resources consulting. These are just a few of the free or reduced programs available for associations in need (the full list is online at NAR is also offering market and industry research for free and the popular “MLS Economic and Market Watch Reports” subscription is now at a 50 percent discount. “We feel it’s our job to get the information out, not make money on it,” said NAR EVP/CEO Dale Stinton during the Feb. 12 Web cast announcing the program.
For members, the list of free and discounted programs is vast and posted online at Among the offerings are free education, and free PDF downloads of NAR’s most popular publications including these brochures: “Getting it Sold,” “Save Now with the Home Buyers Tax Credit,” “Why Rent,” “It’s a Great Time to Buy,” and “Energy Savers.”
Stinton called on all state and local associations to help NAR communicate this initiative to members. NAR has prepared a series of program marketing materials for associations including video, print, and Web content as part of an overall campaign to help members increase business and to ease their financial strain.
NAR Launches Foreclosure Prevention and Response Program for Associations
The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® has developed a comprehensive toolkit of resources to help REALTOR® associations educate members on the challenges of foreclosures, as well as facilitate distressed and short sales to the benefit of buyers, sellers, lenders, and communities.
Associations can customize a Foreclosure Prevention and Response Program based on their own strategic and business needs that is driven by their local market conditions. NAR will facilitate the development of these customized programs at differing levels of financial and technical support depending on need.
NAR has allocated more than $3 million to assist associations in their foreclosure program initiatives. Any state or local association can access financial grants and/or technical support during the 2009-2010 timeframe from NAR to address any of the three program priorities:
* Educate REALTORS® with customized training targeted to their individual markets and state laws
* Work with homeowners to avoid foreclosures
* Engage in communities to minimize the adverse impact of foreclosures.
In addition, NAR’s Surround Sound Program has been customized to focus on how REALTORS® are working to prevent and respond to foreclosures. This public relations program provides associations with training and tools to “tell their story” about how they are working
with homeowners to avoid foreclosures, helping communities minimize the adverse impact of foreclosures,
and facilitating short-sales and distressed sales to the
benefit of buyers, sellers, lenders, and communities.
A blog will be available to receive suggestions and experiences from the field and entries will be posted selectively to share best practices. For more, visit, search: Foreclosure Prevention. n
New NAR Workforce Housing Grants for Associations
The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® began accepting applications in January from state REALTOR® associations seeking funding for initiatives designed to address workforce-housing issues in their state.
The new Ira Gribin Work-force Housing Grant Program will also help broaden the public’s understanding and appreciation of REALTORS®’ commitment to their communities and to community-building activities. Each grant recipient will use its portion of the $5.2 million fund to promote REALTORS®’ commitment to helping such working families reach the first rung on the homeownership ladder. The Gribin grants, named to honor NAR’s 1989 president, who was a tireless advocate for fair and affordable housing for diverse populations, are part of NAR’s Second Century Initiative to run through 2010.
For an application and more info, visit
housing_opportunity/grants/iragribingrants or contact Lora McCray, 202/383-7560.
AE Institute Focuses on Technology, Trends
Social media dominates the array of offerings at the 2009 Association Executives Institute in Colorado Springs, March 20-24, with three sessions and a Social Media Lab where AEs can drop in for hands-on instruction on how to use Twitter and, how to create a Facebook page, and how to create a LinkedIn profile, among other things.
The theme of this year’s institute, “Reach Your Peak,” is reflected in a wide range of offerings: Connecting with Leadership, Members, and the Public; Industry Issues and Trends; and REALTOR® Association Management. Veterans, as well as newcomers, will find sessions tailored to their needs.
In addition to sessions featuring popular speakers, this year’s institute offers a Wi-Fi Hotspot, free personalized consulting sessions with NAR staff experts, Sponsor Night Happy Hour, as well as ample opportunity to network with the more than 1,100 attendees.
For detailed session and registration info, visit Rebates will be awarded after the Institute takes place. Rebate forms will be distributed Mar. 23, at the AE Institute only.
New Tailored Training Programs from NAR
A new fee-based program designed to provide customized classes on a wide variety of topics for associations is being offered by NAR. Tailored Training topics include: coping with stress, managing time, developing listening skills, and building teams and leadership. Associations can offer these classes to members and leadership, as well as staff.
Spearheading the program is Donna Garcia, who, in addition to being the director of NAR Human Resource Services, runs the human resources consulting services for associations, HR Connection ( “During my visits to associations, AEs have expressed a dire need to seek innovative ways to draw in their membership,” says Garcia. “Training is always an excellent service because it helps to foster relationships with your members and adds value to their dues dollars.”
In addition to topics, format, and content being tailored to each association, class participants’ specific needs (explored in an online questionnaire at the outset of the session) are addressed during training. “All participants receive a personalized report that identifies ways in which they can improve their skills,” says Garcia.
Coping and Stress is a program that helps members minimize or eliminate stress by identifying their stressors, becoming more flexible in the face of change, and building and improving relationships.
The Time Mastery Program will help members improve skills in the areas of planning, scheduling, controlling interruptions, delegating, and avoiding procrastination. In addition, it will show members how to use time management tools to bring order and balance to their lives.
In a recent NAR survey, AEs expressed a strong interest in offering leadership and team-building training. The Dimensions of Leadership Profile program will assist participants in understanding the different approaches to leadership and determining how to match these various approaches with organizational needs.
Pricing is at cost based on the number of participants and the types of custom reports requested. For more, contact Donna Garcia, 312/329-8311,
’09 NAR Public Awareness Campaign says, ‘Buy Now’
The 2009 Public Awareness Campaign commercials focus on motivating buyers into the market. New TV ads, in tandem with new radio spots and print materials, explain the buyer opportunities available in many of today’s real estate markets, convey the financial and social benefits of owning a home, and continue to emphasize the importance of working with a REALTOR®.
New commercials in 2009:
* “Buyer Strength” explains that current conditions, such as low interest rates and available properties, put many potential homebuyers in a position of strength.
* “Fence Sitters” encourages people to make home buying decisions based on family needs and local market conditions rather than being influenced by national reports that have little relevance on an individual level.
* “Home with a View” demonstrates that home-ownership bestows social benefits as well as financial ones—it’s an investment in your future.
Information and materials are available on to help local and state associations coordinate their own outreach efforts with the campaign. Visit:
Research shows PR campaign is reaching consumers
The 2008 NAR survey of consumer attitudes about REALTORS® and real estate showed positive results pointing to the continued success of the campaign:
* An all-time high of 74 percent of consumers would use a REALTOR® to buy or sell a home. This has increased significantly over the past seven years, from 50 percent in 2001.
* Only 16 percent of consumers plan to buy or sell a home without professional assistance—that’s an all-time low, down from 25 percent in 2001.
* Among consumers who bought a home in the past 12 months, 86 percent used a REALTOR®.
* Eighty-six percent of consumers strongly agree that the real estate market varies by location.
* Seventy-one percent strongly agree that owning a home helps build long-term wealth.
* A full two-thirds of consumers surveyed strongly agree that the number of homes currently available for sale represents a good buying opportunity.
2009 Member Orientation & Communications Toolkit Mails
All associations should have received their 2009 Member Orientation & Communications Toolkit from the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® by now. The kit, which includes a variety of tools you need to help welcome your new members into the REALTOR® family, contains, among other items:
* New member orientation guidelines
* New member pins
* 2009 Member Orientation DVD
* Member Reference Guide (details announced in June 2009)
* Member Programs & Services CD-ROM and more
The box itself can be used to file information from NAR throughout the year and easily reference it for your member communications.”
To make it more convenient for you to communicate these benefits, NAR has launched a new comprehensive resource site at
Toolkit. For more, contact Kim DiGangi,
Good Neighbor Awards to Celebrate 10th Anniversary
This year marks ten years of honoring REALTORS® who’ve made an extraordinary commitment to improving the quality of life in their communities through volunteer work. Five winners each year receive $10,000 grants for their cause. Last year’s winners contributed a combined total of nearly 8,000 hours to their causes in one year and drew a standing ovation during NAR’s annual convention in Orlando. The 2009 Good Neighbor Awards are sponsored by eNeighborhoods,, and Lowe’s. For an entry form to nominate one of your outstanding members, go to and click on the Good Neighbor logo or call 800/874-6500. The application deadline is May 22, 2009.
AEC ’09 AE Work Groups to Address Key Issues
Under the leadership of chair Gary Clayton, RCE, CAE, the 2009 Association Executive Committee has formed several work groups to tackle issues ranging from what an AE needs to know to run an association to helping associations prepare for an AE transition.
• AE Competencies Work Group will review the AE Competencies and Body of Knowledge in which an AE should be proficient to serve the evolving REALTOR® association.
• AE Transition Work Group will prepare associations for chief staff executive transitions and assist in developing exit plans.
• Association Models Work Group will review REALTOR® Association Models Online Planning Tool and revise/update the assessment questionnaire to ensure that it targets association operations that are pertinent in today’s evolving REALTOR® organization.
• Generational Communications Work Group will identify how different generations view communications and technology networking opportunities and how AEs can best use these options to communicate with association staff, leadership, and members.
• Leadership Programming Work Group will identify content for a balanced mix of program offerings for volunteer and staff leadership teams to be scheduled at the Midyear Leadership Express program, the Leading Edge in Association Management program, and the November Entrepreneurial Excellence Series.
• NRDS Policies Work Group will continually review and consider NRDS policy and enforcement issues and clarify existing policies and procedures as concerns arise.
• Profile Survey Work Group will review and update the State and Local Profile Survey questionnaire and review the survey summary reports and evaluate the output for other uses.
• Partnership Work Group will strengthen the partnership between and local associations/MLS organizations to ensure associations are taking full advantage of this valuable member service.
Birth Announcement
A new association is born. The South Padre Island Board of REALTORS® in Texas was recently formed from territory previously under the jurisdiction of the Brownsville-South Padre Island Board of REALTORS®. The new local association anticipates having about 180 members. “The year long process of taking the Laguna Madre Area Property Listing Service to becoming the South Padre Island Board of REALTORS®, serving the Laguna Madre Area, has been an exciting achievement for everyone involved,” said Lynne Tate, 2009 association president. For more, visit
Meet the New RCEs
Chris Bell, RCE, Cleveland Area Board of Realtors®, Ohio
Steve Blanton, RCE, Rogue Valley Association of Realtors®, Ore.
Carole Burgess, RCE, Mid Florida Regional MLS
Andrea Bushnell, RCE, Oregon Association of Realtors®
Shelly Cates, RCE, Madisonville Hopkins County Board of Realtors®, Ky.
Jann Clark, RCE, Southern Maryland Association of Realtors®
Glenn Cobb, RCE, Winston-Salem Regional Assoc. of Realtors®, N.C.
Nancy Deichert, RCE, Bismarck Mandan Board of Realtors®, N.D.
Amy DuBose, RCE, San Marcos Area Board of Realtors®, Texas
Becky East, RCE, Henderson Audubon Board of Realtors®, Ky.
Ytonna Finnegan, RCE, Realtors® Assn. of the Palm Beaches, Fla.
Sue Ann Frank, RCE, Summit Association of Realtors®, Colo.
Nathan Gorton, RCE, Snohomish County Camano Assoc. of Realtors®, Wa.
Stephanie Hesch, RCE, Bullhead City Mohave Association of Realtors®, Ariz.
Rick Hodges, RCE, Tucson Association of Realtors®, Ariz.
Tessa Hultz, RCE, St. Louis Association of Realtors®, Mo.
Larry Johnson, RCE, Arlington Board of Realtors®, Texas
Niva Johnson, RCE, Sumner Association of Realtors®, Tenn.
Carrie Kendall, RCE, Lafayette Regional Association of Realtors®, Ind.
Lizbeth Kohler, RCE, Medina County Board of Realtors®, Ohio
Kyle Lambert London, RCE, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Realtors®
Marc Lebowitz, RCE, CAE, Ada County Association of Realtors®, Idaho
Meg Manning, RCE, Realtor® Association of Southern Kentucky
John Nisbet, RCE, Santa Barbara Association of Realtors®, Calif.
Donna Roach, RCE, Knoxville Association of Realtors®, Tenn.
Amanda Sacco, RCE, New Jersey Association of Realtors®
Edward Segal, RCE, Marin Association of Realtors®, Calif.
Diane Streichert, RCE, Burlington Camden County Assoc. of Realtors®, N.J.
Daniel Sutherland, RCE, Outer Banks Association of Realtors®, N.C.
Tricia Thomas, RCE, Bay East Association of Realtors®, Calif.
Peggy Trenk, RCE, Montana Association of Realtors®
Linda Vernon, RCE, Bakersfield Association of Realtors®, Calif.
Shanna Wiest, RCE, Realtors® Assn. of York & Adams Counties, Pa.