In this issue, Daniel Gilbert- a Harvard psychologist and Susan Cain-an author,  give insight into what they are speaking about at the REALTORS® Conference and Expo in Orlando.  Cain and Gilbert discuss why understanding personalities and how the brain works can help professionals in their work.

Read the full digital issue.

Table of Contents


An Affinity for Languages

The Business of Emotion

A Quiet Authority

How REALTORS® Turn Around Elections


Actions Speak Louder Than Words

A Sense of Mission

In The Trenches: Running on Empty

Top of Mind

Upstream Launches Beta Test

A Continuing Shortfall of Homes

No One Wins in a One-Sided Deal

For Brokers

Marketing Your Good Works

How To...

Stone Exteriors: Asset or Nightmare?

Get Up to Speed on Teardowns

New Mapping Tech Can Help Attract Clients

Power of R

NAR: Going Above and Beyond for You
