Quick Takeaways

  • RESO Web API provides a common language for different computer systems to easily transfer real estate information.  
  • RETS has been phased out in favor of RESO Web API.
  • Adherence to open standards results in greater efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced user experience.

RESO Web API provides a common language so that computers can more easily transfer real estate information, such as MLS data, to other computer programs or websites.  After its creation as RETS twenty years ago, it was replaced with RESO Web API, a new standard built on current technology. RESO Web API uses open standards that are well supported in many fields.

Open standards allow different systems to communicate easily. Adherence to these standards results in greater efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced user experience. They also encourage greater competition among vendors by allowing anyone free access to the specifications.

As technology changes, so do best practices, data standards, and transport protocol. The Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) creates, certifies, and updates standards as they are needed. Many multiple listing services are converting their systems from RETS to RESO Web API with many more to make the transition in the near future.

See References for more information.

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