Appendix B
Other Marks and Logos
The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® through its State Associations and the Societies, Institutes and Councils, established by the National Association Board of Directors in response to specialized activities in the real estate profession, offers programs of education and enrichment to assist Members to achieve higher levels of professional development and excellence including the awarding of professional designations and membership in groups of specialists.
Please note that wherever the federal registration symbol "®" is used, that mark or logo has been registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Among the objectives of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® as defined in Article II of its Constitution is "to provide a facility for education, research and exchange of information for those engaged in the recognized branches of the real estate business." One step on the path to professional expertise and knowledge for the REALTOR® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATE® is offered through State Associations of REALTORS®, which provide the basic delivery system for educational and enrichment opportunities within the respective states, namely, the REALTOR® Institute Programs.
Professional Marks Offered
¯ GRI (Graduate, REALTOR® Institute)
For further information on REALTOR® Institute Programs, contact your State Association of REALTORS® or the Education Division, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®.
¯ The Voice for Real Estate®
The National Association has adopted a campaign to position itself as the umbrella organization that can speak for the real estate industry. Through its officers, staff, news organs and Public Affairs and Public Relations Divisions, the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® is the Voice for Real Estate® to the nation. Member Boards are authorized to develop parallel local campaigns utilizing this mark in conjunction with the Board's jurisdiction so long as they also identify their jurisdiction (e.g., "The Voice for Real Estate in Wyoming" for the Wyoming Association). For further information on the program and a kit, contact the Public Affairs Division 202/383-1289.
Counselors of Real Estate
Members of the Counselors of Real Estate provide expert unbiased advice and guidance as problem solvers in real estate counseling companies, accounting firms, corporations, financial institutions and other business environments. Clients who may be individuals, companies or institutions are served by Counselors under retainer, per diem or fixed fee arrangements. The counseling service is not unlike that performed by lawyers and financial consultants. Members of CRE are dedicated to improving the quality of the counseling function. A Code of Professional Ethics - carefully enforced - regulates the Counselor's responsibility to the public, the client and the profession. Membership in the Society is by invitation only. Requests for invitation to membership may be self-initiated or sponsored by a member.
Professional Marks Offered
¯ CRE® (Counselors of Real Estate)
Additional information on the Counselors, membership requirements, educational programs and publications is available from the Counselors of Real Estate, 430North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Phone: 312/329-8427.
Commercial Investment Real Estate Institute
The Commercial-Investment Real Estate Institute, through an extensive educational curriculum, enhances the competence of those engaged in commercial-investment real estate. Membership includes specialists in commercial property development, brokerage and investment analysis, as well as allied professionals in banking, taxation and law.
Professional Marks Offered
¯ CCIM (Certified Commercial-Investment Member)
Additional information on the Institute is available from the Commercial Investment Real Estate Institute, 430 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611-4092. Phone 312/321-4460.
REALTORS® Land Institute
This Institute brings together REALTORS® who specialize in the sale, management, agribusiness, planning, appraising, acquisition, syndication and development of land. Its purpose is to establish professional standards; to provide educational experiences for members which assist them in keeping pace with rapid changes in land utilization and prices; to exert influence in the formulation of public policies affecting farm and land development. Membership is open to anyone who holds membership in a local Board of REALTORS® and/or State Association and the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, and who has a desire to increase proficiency, professional standing and earnings in the field of land use specialization.
Professional Marks Offered
¯ ALC (Accredited Land Consultant)
Additional information, as well as an official application form, may be obtained by writing the REALTORS® Land Institute, 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 606ll. Phone: 312/329-8440.
Institute of Real Estate Management
Since l933, the Institute has dedicated itself to developing professionalism in the field of property management by setting standards of performance, experience, and ethics and by making available educational courses and publications to assist individuals and REALTORS® in gaining skills essential to quality performance in this field. If a career in property management interests you, ask IREM about the following marks.
Professional Marks Offered
For further information on courses, publications, fees and for official application forms write the Institute of Real Estate Management, 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 606ll. Phone: 312/661-0004.
The brokerage educational affiliate, RNMI consisting of the Residential Sales Council and Real Estate Brokerage Managers Council, offers a wide range of courses, sales aids, computer software, publications for those engaged in residential sales and real estate brokerage management. By providing practical education for its Members and working with them to establish sound and ethical practices, the Institute seeks to promote the professional standing of REALTORS®. Membership is open to any REALTOR®or REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®.
Professional Marks Offered
¯ CRB - (Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager)
¯ CRS® - (Certified Residential Specialist)
For more complete information on publications available, courses offered, and to request official application forms, write the REALTORS® NATIONAL MARKETING INSTITUTE, 430North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois606ll. Phone: 312/670-3780.
Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS®
Members of this Society specialize in marketing industrial and office properties and provide a worldwide network of brokers, consultants, and other business property specialists to serve the industry. Their objectives include fostering knowledge, education, integrity, and quality work in this field; mutual cooperation among members in the exchange of listings and information; cooperation with governmental departments at all levels, and with civic organizations, public utilities, railroads, finance, and insurance firms in areas of mutual concern. SIOR offers courses and seminars throughout the year at various locations.
Professional Designations Offered
¯ SIOR® - for active Industrial or active Office members only
Other Types of Membership
¯ Industrial Affiliate
¯ Office Associate
For additional information on publications, courses available and locations where they will be offered and to request a membership application form, contact the Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS®, 777 Fourteenth Street, N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C.20005-3271. Phone: 202/737-1150, FAX 202/737-3142.
Women's Council of REALTORS®
Women's Council of REALTORS® is an organization which provides a referral network, provides programs and systems for personal and career growth, provides opportunities for increased productivity and financial security and provides for the development of leadership skills. The objectives of the council shall be to have an effective referral network; to provide an environment and programs which foster personal and career growth; to provide financial planning programs and systems; to provide leadership development programs; to have an effective, responsive, supportive, member-oriented organization.
Professional Marks Offered
¯ LTG - (Leadership Training Graduate)
Information on Council activities and programs may be obtained by writing the Women's Council of REALTORS®, 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Phone: 312/329-8483.
Other Marks and Logos of the National Association
The National Association's name, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, is also itself a registered mark. Accordingly, the first time reference is made to the National Association in communications with the public, the full name, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® should always be used. Where practical, use all capitals and include the registration symbol "®".
After having once properly referred to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® by its full name in speech or in writing, subsequent references may be to the "National Association" or the "Association."
Use of the abbreviations "N.A.R." and "NAR" is discouraged, and is not permitted except in the body of written material following a proper full use of the National Association's name, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (hereinafter "NAR"). Use of the full name NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, and avoidance of the abbreviation "NAR," will help insure that the public will never have to guess the meaning of the letters N.A.R. or NAR.
B. The REALTOR® Logo - Other Approved Identifiers
In addition to the identifier REALTOR® which usually appears below the block "R", other identifiers which have been approved by the National Association for use with the block "R" are "REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®" and REALTOR®/NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®." Accordingly, the following uses are permitted:
In addition to these alternative identifiers to be used with the block "R", the "Bolder type" REALTOR® Logo is available to Members for use only in those rare instances where the visibility or legibility of the identifier under the block "R" might be diminished due to the unavailability of quality reproduction equipment or processes (e.g. in television). This use is an exception to the rules explained elsewhere in this Manual and its use should be submitted to the Trademark Protection Coordinator for review and approval.
The block "R" should always be accompanied by an approved identifier except in a Board Logo which has been approved by the National Association (see Part Four).
C. The Composite REALTOR® and MLS Logo
The REALTOR® and MLS (Multiple Listing Service) Composite Logo is a registered service mark which may only be used by persons associated with a REALTOR® member of an approved Multiple Listing Service operated by a Member Board, but only in connection with the name of the REALTOR® Member's firm. The Logo may not be altered in any way.
Reproduction proof sheets may be obtained from the the Customer Service Department (800-874-6500) at the National Association.
D. The Voice for Real Estate®
State and Local Association’s User Kit
Graphic Applications
The Voice for Real Estate® is the over-all umbrella theme of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and has been approved for use at the State and local levels. The theme is a trademark of the Association, and therefore must be protected by a specific set of guidelines when in use. The Voice for Real Estate® indicates that the material bearing that mark is a product of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Similarly, when used by State and local Associations in the manner described in these guidelines, the mark indicates that the material is a product of the State or local Association whose name also appears on that piece. The following list of usage rules must be followed by State and local associations when graphically applying the Voice for Real Estate® to their materials.
Graphic Guidelines and Restrictions
The Voice for Real Estate®
- The Voice for Real Estate® must always be associated with the name of the State or local association which is using the theme. The Voice for Real Estate®, in all but the most extreme cases, may never stand alone, whether in print, on video, or in audio. If an extreme example arises, consult with the National Association before proceeding.
- Local and State associations should not call themselves simply, The Voice for Real Estate®, but should always identify the area where they represent The Voice for Real Estate®.
The Anytown Board of REALTORS®
The Voice for Real Estate®
The Anystate Association of REALTORS®
The Voice for Real Estate
The Anytown Board of REALTORS®
The Voice of Real Estate® in Anytown
The Voice for Real Estate® in Anytown, USA
- In some cases, Associations service more areas than just the locations identified in their names. In these instances, it is acceptable to use variations such as; The Voice for Real Estate® in Anytown and Surrounding Communities; or The Voice for Real Estate® in the Anytown Area. Note: in areas served by multiple associations, the associations may agree upon a modification for the theme to be used by all which represents their combined jurisdiction.
- Ideally, The Voice for Real Estate® should appear in the typeface Antique Olive with a twenty degree slant. Because this is an unusual typeface and may not be available for all applications, most of the basic, sans serif, italic typefaces are acceptable. This rule applies whether the theme appears alone with the State/Board name, or if it appears in text, (i.e. Today, the Anytown Association of REALTORS®, The Voice for Real Estate® in Anytown, USA, announced the opening of its new Association office.)
- The “T”, “V”, “R”, and “E” in The Voice for Real Estate® are always capitalized. The “f” in for is always lower case.
- The symbol ® must always accompany The Voice for Real Estate®. By not using this symbol consistently, the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® risks losing its exclusive rights to use this theme.
- The Voice for Real Estate® must always be used to describe the Association and its members, not any of its products and/or services.
Example: The Voice for Real Estate® may not be used to describe an Association publication.
Not acceptable: The Anytown REALTOR® Gazette
The Voice for Real Estate®
It is not necessary that The Voice for Real Estate® immediately follow the name of the Association, but it must be easily recognized as describing the State or Board.
Board Stationery
- The Voice of Real Estate® may never be used as a possessive.
Example: Do not use:
The Voice for Real Estate’s® views on the issue coincide with those of the general public.
- There are no acceptable variations of The Voice for Real Estate® such as TVFRE, The Voice, The Voice of Real Estate, or The Voice for REALTORS at the State or local level.
- Individual member firms may not use the graphic The Voice for Real Estate® on printed materials, audio, or visual presentations without referring to their membership in the local, State or National Association.
Example: John Doe, REALTOR®
Member, Anytown Board of REALTORS®
The Voice for Real Estate® in Anytown, USA
- If there are any questions regarding the graphic applications of The Voice for Real Estate®, please call the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, Legal Affairs Division at 312/329/8373.
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