Economic development doesn’t just happen. It must be planned and cultivated. Cities, states, and nations all vie to attract new companies. If they come, real estate will be one of their top priorities.

You can play an important role as a leader in your community by working with economic development officers to bring global investment to your area and helping to fulfill these companies’ real estate needs. These needs may encompass commercial development, but also have a positive impact on the residential side of the equation. After all, when new businesses arrive, so do jobs. Workers need places to live, and places to shop. Hence, commercial and residential real estate are inextricably linked to one another.

When a company is headquartered in another country—and may be transferring some of its workers—it becomes especially important for them to identify real estate professionals who understand its unique circumstances and can provide a “bridge” into the new market. That’s right, it needs a CIPS designee.

There are many different ways to get involved. This issue of Global Perspectives looks at several possibilities, including participation in trade missions and international trade shows. Inside, you’ll find tips on identifying the best options and ways to maximize your results.