Overall, the HUD budget includes a 15.2% decrease in funding from FY2020.

Single Family

  • The budget asks for $20 million to support upgrades to Single Family information technology systems.
  • The budget asks for $45 million for housing counseling, the same request as in FY20.

Multi-Family & Community Development

  • The FY21 HUD budget would eliminate Community Development Block Grants, the HOME Investments Partnership Program, the Public Housing Capital Fund, Choice Neighborhoods Initiative, and Self-Help & Assisted Homeownership (SHOP). These are programs that NAR has supported.
  • The FY21 budget provides no new funds for the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Vouchers (VASH), a program that has seen success in addressing veteran homelessness.
  • The budget provides funding for tenant-based and project based rental assistance programs at approximately the same level they were funded in FY20.
  • The budget includes increases for the Section 202 and 811 programs, providing housing assistance for the elderly and disabled. It requests $180 million for the construction of 1,200 new units of housing foe elderly and persons with disabilities.
  • The FY20 USDA budget includes $1.4 billion for the Section 521 Rural Rental Assistance program, an increase over last year. However, it proposes the elimination of the Multifamily preservation and revitalization program, which has been successful in keeping rural multifamily units in the program. It also eliminates the 515 Rental Housing direct loan program.

Rural Development

  • The budget would eliminate the Rural Housing single-family 504 Direct Loan program and the Section 504 Home Repair program.

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