Title:Signature Series Speakers' Bureau, CCIM

San Francisco, CA


Speaker fee: $3,000 plus expenses
Course length: Varies


Patricia Lynn is the principal of Lynnk, a real estate consulting company. Through Lynnk, Patricia provides strategic and organizational planning to both individuals and corporations. Her consulting services include land development; financial analysis; training and organizational development; outsourcing strategies; disposition strategies; data management; and lease-versus-own analysis.

Immediately prior to Lynnk, Patricia was the Western Regional Director of Corporate Real Estate Consulting Services for Price waterhouseCoopers. Her clients include: Ford Motor Land; Washington Mutual Bank; Pacific Gas and Electric; Coldwell Banker Commercial; The University of Business and Economics in Beijing; and the World Bank. Patricia is also an award-winning instructor for the CCIM Institute.

Course Descriptions

Don’t Give Your Services Away for Free

As brokers, we often give away services for free. As the market changes, savvy brokers are transitioning to a consultative mode by compartmentalizing their services and changing to a fee-based model. Learn how to identify consultative services, develop highly targeted presentations, and determine the appropriate method of compensation.

Getting Heard About the Noise: Strategies to Acquire Loyal Clients and Customers

Given the dramatic shifts and challenges in real estate, we need to constantly revisit our business model ... while also looking ahead. This session from a seasoned veteran, nimble survivor, and real estate trend watcher will provide us with tools to reset and refocus our attention on our customers. Help rise above the competition, the chatter of depressing market, and the nightly news!

Negotiations for Real Estate Professionals

At the conclusion of this session the participant will have a foolproof strategy for planning and executing negotiations. Based on the win/win philosophy and tailored specifically to the hardball topic of commercial real estate you will walk away with an approach that gives everyone what they want while sustaining relationships!

Perfecting your Presentations

You will leave this workshop with tips for creating dynamic presentations by using the interest-based model to assemble the presentations targeted specifically for your real estate client. This workshop was developed as a result of years of creating presentations for listings, tenant rep assignments and consulting projects.

Women in Commercial Real Estate – Yesterday, Today and Tips for Tomorrow

A backward and forward look at the role of women in the field of commercial real estate and how it has evolved. This keynote speech includes statistics on women’s progress, interviews of top real estate producers, keys to effective networking and the speaker’s personal “Top Ten Tips for Success”. A lively and interactive talk that audiences enjoy.

What Makes You Different (and how to sell it)?

What sets you apart from the rest of your competition and how can you sell yourself most effectively? Based on renowned experts' research in branding and networking, this workshop focuses on creating your personal "elevator speech" that assures you will be remembered for the unique benefits YOU can offer.

Understanding and Marketing Investment Properties

Even in this commercial real estate environment when the client may be the bank, the practitioner must have the basic skills needed to gather, organize and develop the critical information necessary to list and sell investment properties. Course includes basic financial analysis and a roadmap for getting started.

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