Please note: Registration for the Advocacy Week is now closed.

Accommodations will primarily be provided at the Grand Hyatt Washington with a smaller overflow room block at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center.  Most activities will be held at the Grand Hyatt Washington. Both hotels are located within a short walking distance of each other. 

For more information, please visit the Travel & Lodging page.

Policy Forum Information

All Advocacy Week invitees are welcome and encouraged to attend the Policy Forum: A Nation of Homeowners: How Tax Reform Can Boost the American Dream, on Friday, January 24! The Forum will take place at the end of Advocacy Week at the Grand Hyatt Washington on Friday, January 24, and include a lunch, half day of programming, and a cocktail reception ending at 5:30 PM. The Advocacy Week invitees can RSVP for the forum via the registration process. Details related specifically to the forum are available at
