September 2024: REALTOR® Safety

Arm yourself with information to stay safe! Right Tools, Right Now is serving up savings on the products that can help you protect yourself now and into the future.

MVP: Stay up to speed on tech trends by following NAR REACH on LinkedIn, and earn the Social Media for REALTORS®: Digital Marketing download, PLUS a chance to win a pair of Apple AirPods.  ACT NOW!


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Prisidio is the trusted solution to capture and securely share your important info with those you trust. Try it free today!

Protect Your Car and Your Wallet With SnoopDrive
Stay safe on the road with auto protection up to 50% off retail. Get covered for key fob replacement, dent repairs, engine issues, and more.

Brokers and Agents, Watch This to Maximize Every Sale!
Learn to leverage data, understand buyer trends, and optimize sales strategies in this on-demand webinar designed to help you dominate your market.

20% Off e-PRO® Certification Course
The e-PRO® certification course teaches essential modern real estate marketing skills, from mobile technology to online communication proficiency.

Save 20% on the CIPS Designation Online Courses
Expand your business with global opportunities with the Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) Designation online courses. Start today!
