Covered entities in the NAR Insurance Program have access to Jackson Lewis’ EPLI Prevent & Protect Portal, including a legal helpline. This valuable risk management tool is available to all Zurich North America customers with an Employment Practices Liability (EPL) insurance policy.

Using the products and services in this portal can assist Associations and MLSs to manage their workforce and help to diminish exposure to employment-related liability. 

EPL Resources

The Prevent & Protect Portal includes training and resources materials such as: 

  • Interactive maps about key state laws.
  • Samples and templates of human resources policies and handbooks. (Note: samples and templates should always be tailored to an Association or MLS’s needs and reviewed by legal counsel for compliance with local, state and federal laws.)
  • A library of 2500+ articles on a range of labor and employment topics, plus on-demand podcasts and webinars.
  • General compliance resources.
  • Employment practices checklists to help evaluate the approach to important employment issues.

EPL Helpline

Associations and MLSs also have access to the Jackson Lewis Helpline, which provides general information on a broad range of human resources and employment issues. (Note: The Jackson Lewis Helpline is not intended to provide a determinative answer whether any specific action should be taken.)

Contact information to reach the Jackson Lewis Helpline is available in the Prevent & Protect Portal.

How to Access the Portal

Register for Jackson Lewis’ Prevent & Protect Portal and enter the following information:

  • Select: New User Registration Invitation 
  • Code: EPLInsured
  • On the next page, enter your details and the policy number: MPL975618300