Taking care of a home’s landscape in the summer heat can be a daunting task for many homeowners. However, if a homeowner is looking to sell his or her home in the warmer months, maintaining or creating a beautiful lawn can mean selling a home faster and for more money. According to the National Association of REALTORS® 2016 Remodeling Impact Report: Outdoor Features, which analyzes the reasons why homeowners complete outdoor remodeling projects and the value the finished projects bring to the homeowner, taking care of a home’s lawn will bring the most bang for the buck at resale. Seeding lawn produces the largest financial windfall, recovering 417 percent of the project cost at resale, followed by implementing a standard lawn care program (303 percent of cost recovered) and finally updating landscaping with sod lawn (143 percent recovered).

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Review NAR’s 2016 Remodeling Impact Report: Outdoor Features for more information on the cost and value of various outdoor remodeling projects. Speak with a lawn care specialist in your area about the best way to care for grass or sod during the hottest months. Chat with a REALTOR® about the importance of curb appeal and a lawn’s impact on it during a home sale.
