NAR’s Distinguished Service Award is the ultimate recognition for the dedicated REALTOR® whose exceptional service has set themselves apart as a leader.
REALTORS® who receive the award have shown exceptionally meritorious service for at least 25 years and have been recognized as local leaders whose performance and involvement in political and community activities have been extraordinary.
The Distinguished Service Award was first established in 1979, based on the recommendation of NAR’s 1970 President, Rich Port of LaGrange, IL. President Port’s goal was to honor those members who served with distinction at ALL levels of organized real estate. In 1979, there were a total of 9 recipients of the DSA, before it was established in 1985 that only two (2) recipients would be selected each year.
Learn more about our 2024 DSA honorees:
Nominations for 2025
All completed nominations must be received by COB Friday, April 18, 2025. You may submit the application and form by one of the following ways:
- E-mail to NARDSA@nar.realtor
- Express Mail**
Len Tovar
National Association of REALTORS®
430 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
**Photos must be sent electronically.
Qualifications & Guidelines for NAR DSA Applicants
When completing the nomination form and application, keep the following in mind:
- Be sure to thoroughly review the Selection Guidelines and Candidate Criteria prior to submission.
- The appearance of the nomination form in a neat and consistent format is important. Incomplete documentation may affect the Council's final decision.
- When completing the application, in each category, be sure to list all awards, recognitions and leadership positions first in descending order (most recent first); followed by your remaining accomplishments, also in descending order.
- The DSA Nomination Form must include the signatures of the President or AE of both the Location Association AND the State Association.
- Both the DSA Nomination Form AND the DSA Application must be signed by the DSA Candidate. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES ARE ACCEPTED.
- The accuracy and completeness of the application being submitted must be reviewed and signed by the REALTOR® who is being nominated. Any Application that has not been approved and signed by the REALTOR® being nominated will not be accepted.
- An outline of the applicant's NAR Expertise Profile can be accessed here.
- An outline of the applicant’s committee history can be accessed here.
Electronic Photo
A professional headshot of the nominee is required in the form of a high resolution electronic file. To ensure clarity, the photo should have a minimum resolution of 1200x1600 pixels. You may e-mail your photo to NARDSA@nar.realtor. Prints will not be accepted in lieu of an electronic file.
The application process is now open and will close at 5:00 p.m. CT, Friday, April 18. DSA Honorees will be announced during the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings Board of Directors Meeting in May 2025.
** Submission should be one file. [Photo, Nomination Form, Application]. Please DO NOT password protect file!
Questions regarding the NAR DSA selection process may be directed to Len Tovar, 312-329-8275 or NARDSA@nar.realtor.