To the extent possible, the composition of committees shall be representative of the general membership. While broad-based representation is desirable, this should not be construed as limiting the president from appointing the most knowledgeable and competent individuals available to serve on committees.

Committees will seek to solicit a diverse pool of qualified candidates to serve on committees. A diverse pool of qualified candidates is one that reflects or represents the general membership and industry we serve across differences including–but not limited to–gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, geography, professional experience, areas of expertise, and political affiliation.

Where there is regional representation on committees, the president shall select the individuals to serve with the understanding that applications for individuals to be appointed shall come through the NAR committee selection process.

Committee liaisons should not serve on NAR committees during their term as a liaison.

Committee Service Guidelines

Committee membership limits shall generally be adhered to. Service on a committee shall be limited to two consecutive two- or three- year terms or five consecutive one-year terms, whichever is longer, without a break in service of one year. This policy applies to state representatives and affiliate representatives as well as at-large members.

If state representative and affiliate representative positions are not recommended by a certain noticed date, the NAR president has the prerogative of filling the vacant positions with at-large members.

An ex-officio member of a committee is a member who is on the committee by virtue of the position he/she holds. Ex-officio members of committees will have a vote unless specifically noted otherwise in a committee's composition or under the following circumstances:

  • The president, president-elect, first vice president, treasurer and immediate past president shall serve as ex-officio, nonvoting members on all NAR committees except for the Past Presidents' Advisory Group, the Credentials & Campaign Rules Committee, and the Distinguished Service Award Council. Their membership on NAR committees shall not count toward establishing a quorum.
  • The immediate past chair of all full committees shall serve a one-year term as an ex-officio member of that committee with a vote.

A member shall not serve on more than one committee/advisory board/advisory group/council/forum per year. However, an exception will be made for those serving in a “by virtue” capacity, or if the President deems necessary to maximize expertise, or upon request from the President-Elect for Leadership Team approval for those desiring to serve in an Immediate Past Chair and Vice Chair capacity.

Members of the Executive Committee and regional vice presidents shall not serve as chairs or vice chairs of committees.

Members of the Executive Committee shall be permitted to serve as members on other NAR committees.

Regional vice president’s committee service shall be limited to serving on the Executive Committee.

State association presidents shall not serve as a chair of a committee concurrent with their term.

Reappointment to Committees & Continuing Terms

***A member currently serving on a committee, whose term expires this year MUST submit an application online if he/she would like to be considered for service in the following year; members are NOT automatically considered for re-appointment to a committee. See the timeline for the submission deadline***

Members who have a continuing term that expires in a later year (not this year) do not need to submit an application to remain on the committee; they will remain until the term expires.

Forum Membership

Formal membership on forums has been eliminated. Forums are open to all members; members are welcome to attend any forum of interest to them. NAR accepts applications for the Forum Vice Chair positions only.

National Directors

NAR directors are required to serve as members of at least one NAR committee or council, advisory board, forum, or advisory group. Anyone currently serving or seeking a position on the NAR Board of Directors should apply for a committee position using the same process as other members by submitting applications online via the Committee Application on We will contact those Directors who do not fill out a committee application to get them appointed to a committee (though we cannot guarantee that the first choice will be available).

M1: Address, Telephone, and Email Information

Each member should make sure his/her information in M1 is current. M1 allows you to update your personal contact information yourself. However, changes in your business contact information need to be handled by your local board’s point of entry.


Committee Appointment Process FAQs

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