It is important that members use NAR's membership marks—including the REALTOR® logo and the terms REALTOR®, REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, REALTORS®—correctly and according to the rules outlined in this recently updated Membership Marks Manual.
COMING SOON: The Association Membership Marks Manual: A Membership Marks Manual designed specifically for Associations and AEs!
Partner with NAR’s Local Association Partner (LAP) Program to provide your members with a complete REALTOR® Branding Kit!
Increase engagement with your members and collect compelling stories that captivate social media scrollers and inspire members to get more involved in your association.
Encourage your members to share their volunteer story to be featured in the REALTORS® Are Good Neighbors social media channels.
Share the value of REALTOR® membership by spreading the word about NAR's REALTOR Benefits® Program and many of its individual program offerings.
Encourage your members to check out NAR Academy, where they can receive a $100 scholarship on each eligible course by enrolling in a certificate or advanced degree program. The program is an exclusive partnership between NAR and Columbia College.
The Right Tools, Right Now initiative has a sweeping selection of resources available for free or at a reduced cost to members. Point your members to offers on finance, technology, and skill building. You can also find toolkits and more to help manage your association.
Your members now have access to exclusive offers on financial planning and investing from Morgan Stanley at Work through the Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness. Members can create a financial plan to help prepare for retirement, funding a child’s education, or buying property. Encourage them to get started today.
Help members save money with Members TeleHealth, available through NAR's REALTOR Benefits® Program. Members can see a doctor on demand at any time via a smartphone app, web chat, phone, or email. On-demand medical care, anytime, anywhere.
See a demo of Photofy and a walk-through of the process to deliver your association's branded, local assets to your members using the app.