Quick Takeaways

  • Factors to consider include commute times and tech features
  • Sustainability is of growing importance
  • Focus on needs-based design

Source: Looking for a New Office for Your Team in 2023? Here's What to Take into Account (Entrepreneur, Feb. 22, 2023)

Site selection encompasses more than picking a location. You need to think about where the competition is located, the local labor force and much more. You can’t rely on your gut instinct, but technology tools can assist in finding a location.

Choosing an office location is a complex process because you need to consider the workers in the building.  How far would they be willing to commute to this location? Retail site selection includes target demographics of your potential customers.

While researching restaurant locations, you need to consider local laws and regulations, along with customer demographics, foot traffic, parking availability and zoning regulations. With hotel locations, you need to consider a safe location and access to transportation options.

For laboratory site selection, you need to consider factors such as power usage, federal and state security regulations and the structural integrity of the building to support heavy equipment.  You need to think about many factors when picking a warehouse location—local transport conditions, local zoning regulations and proximity to suppliers.

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