Quick Takeaways

  • Animal feedlots are agricultural operations where livestock are confined in a small land area.
  • There are federal and state regulations for managing waste from animal feedlots.
  • Studies have shown animal feeding operations have negative impact on nearby property values.

Animal feedlots are agricultural operations where livestock are confined and fed in a small land area for more than 44 days in a year. Waste from animal feeding operations may contaminate soil, air, and water if not properly managed. On the federal level, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency regulates animal feeding operations under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program. Some state agricultural and environmental organizations have additional regulations as well.

Multiple studies have shown that animal feedlots have a negative impact on nearby residential property values. Meanwhile, studies have been mixed on the impact to agricultural land values. Market anticipation of a new animal feeding operation also shows a negative affect on values for up to three years prior to construction.

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