I understand that as a current or incoming member of the National Association of REALTORS® Leadership Team, a Regional Vice President, or a Committee Liaison, REALTOR® Party Director, REALTOR® Party Fundraising Trustees Chair, RPAC Major Investor Council Chair, RPAC Participation Council Chair (“NAR Leader”), I am responsible for representing the best interests of America’s largest trade association which is dedicated to preserving, protecting, and advancing the right to real property for all. I understand my actions and words are not just my own, but are an important reflection on the greater NAR brand, our members, and our industry. I accept and agree that I must abide by the highest ethics, behaviors, and standards to steward and protect the reputation of NAR and REALTORS®.

I accordingly pledge:

  • To be a constant advocate for NAR, our members, and all we do to champion home buyers, sellers, and the communities in which we work.
  • To always be truthful and respectful in what I say and represent about NAR.
  • To avoid making any public statements that are contrary to NAR’s objectives or that may reflect badly upon NAR.
  • To maintain the confidentiality of all leadership correspondence and discussions.
  • To promote membership in NAR and active participation among all members.
  • To always be respectful and truthful in what I say and represent about other NAR Leaders, NAR’s members and employees, and the third parties with whom I work or interact on behalf of NAR.
  • To treat all NAR Leaders, NAR members, NAR employees, and the third parties with whom I work or interact on behalf of NAR, professionally, with dignity and respect, and in recognition of their roles as colleagues, leaders, experts, guides, suppliers, consultants, and business partners.
  • To refrain from saying anything disparaging to or about other NAR Leaders, NAR members, NAR employees, or the third parties with whom I work or interact on behalf of NAR.
  • To address all concerns regarding NAR Leaders, NAR members, NAR employees, or the third parties with whom I work or interact on behalf of NAR, directly with NAR’s Chief Executive Officer or General Counsel, or an appropriate Group Leader of NAR.
  • To abide by NAR’s guidelines and policies, including but not limited to:
    • REALTORS® Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
    • Officers’ Administration and Policy Manual
    • Member Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy
    • Social Media Guidelines
    • Nepotism Policy
    • Ownership Disclosure Policy
    • Conflict of Interest Policy
    • Communication Policies
    • Campaign Endorsement & Prohibition Policy
    • NAR Employee Handbook policies pertaining to member interaction

I understand that everything I say and do as a volunteer leader of NAR represents NAR and our members. I will always strive to model the very best in who REALTORS® are and to communicate and behave at all times – within and outside of NAR settings – with professionalism and respect.

If I ever fall short of meeting these commitments, I expect and encourage members of the Leadership Team to bring such shortcomings to my attention directly or to the attention of the NAR’s General Counsel for action. Upon receipt of a Leadership Team member’s failure to uphold this Pledge, NAR’s General Counsel will assemble a panel of the three Past Presidents serving on the Campaign Credentials Rules Committee (CCRC) who are not current members of the Leadership Team to review the matter, and in consultation with NAR’s General Counsel, will determine any disciplinary action. No member from the panel will be related to or from a state where any individual involved in the matter is located, to the extent possible and known at the time. If a Past President on CCRC does not meet that criteria, then the General Counsel will appoint a member of the Executive Committee to serve as panelist in place of the Past President. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, a written apology, suspension from NAR-related travel and speaking engagements, suspension from attendance at NAR events, referral of a request for removal of an officer to the Credentials and Campaign Rules Committee, or any other action deemed appropriate by NAR. The action determined by the Past President panel is final and not appealable. If the Past President panel finds a violation of the Pledge has occurred, the action determined by the Past President panel will be shared with the Leadership Team.



Name & Leadership Title


