
  • Assists in the identification and development of effective committees and committee leadership.
  • Facilitates communications among the Leadership Team, chairs, vice chairs, directors, members, and others.
  • Assists chair and vice chair in following established procedures and guidelines.

Responsibilities of the Committee Liaison

  • Understands the priorities of the Leadership Team (LT) and communicates them to committee leadership.
  • Becomes the front-line for leadership.
  • Learns and understands the issues of the committees.
  • Mentors chairs.
  • Ensures that committees are properly briefed prior to taking on their new role.
  • Monitors committees' priorities and ensures that they are satisfied.
  • Ensures that each committee has clear, identifiable goals (outcomes).
  • Ensures that major strategies are in place to achieve such goals and that senior staff and committee chairs are committed to achieving such goals.
  • Evaluates committees' progress against goals throughout the year in order to ensure effectiveness.
  • Manages committee issues and avoids conflicts between similar committees discussing similar issues.
  • Communicates with committee leadership - especially in procedural activities and in carrying messages to and from the LT and the committees.
  • Communicates with senior staff in order to update or alert them to an issue or concern.
  • Ensures that committee members have a meaningful experience as committee members and as individuals.
  • Identifies future leadership.

Committee Liaisons

View a list of the current Committee Liaisons presently serving the National Association.