Congratulations to Michelle Bailey on winning the Vice Chair Challenge. Michelle will serve as the 2019 Vice Chair of the Emerging Business & Technology Forum.
View Michelle's expertise profile.
Many thanks to each of the participants of this year’s Vice Chair Challenge!
Below are the 9 finalists for the position of 2019 Vice Chair of the Emerging Business & Technology Forum. They all met the criteria of receiving three endorsements, submitting an “About Me” video, and have not previously served as a chair or vice chair of a NAR committee. We encourage you to review their expertise profiles, including watching their videos attached to their profiles, before voting on your choice at the bottom of the page. Please note: you can only vote once and your vote is final.
Purpose of the Forum: To provide members with information on emerging issues and trends that will impact their business and business operations and to provide opportunities for members to share information with respect to new technologies and new business applications. Critical to this discussion is new technology and its usefulness in members' day to day business practice.