Small-business owners who blog earn 126% more leads than those who don’t. Take these five steps to launch a blog that works for you.
blogger typing on laptop in a coffee shop

If you don’t already have a real estate blog, it’s time to consider creating one. Blogs are increasingly being used as a marketing tool, and experts predict the number of bloggers in the U.S. will reach almost 32 million in 2020. Companies incorporating blogging into their marketing strategies are seeing impressive results: One study revealed that small businesses with a blog experience 126% higher lead growth than those without one.

With so many options for blogging platforms these days, the biggest expense you’ll encounter when it comes to starting a blog is your time. For many real estate professionals, blogging falls to the bottom of their to-do list as they focus on actively searching for buyer and seller leads. However, creating a blog for your business and regularly posting relevant content will help you reach potential clients in the early stages, especially those who turn to the internet to answer their initial real estate questions. Not only will fresh blog content help you rank higher in search engines online, but it will also give visitors a better first impression of your business. A blog can even affect whether those leads become clients.

Maintaining a blog for your real estate business can build your credibility, educate your target audience, and ultimately help you obtain valuable leads. When it comes to blogging, there is a lot of advice and information out there to process, but here are five tips to get the best results for your business.

  1. Create a schedule and stick to it. If you’re not regularly creating content, it’s not likely that your blog is going to show up in searches for important real estate questions. Build a blog strategy before you start, and commit to creating content on a consistent schedule. Posting several times a week often produces the best results, but don’t overcommit if you know you don’t have the time. Aim for at least one post a week and build out a calendar with content ideas to keep you on track.
  2. Use powerful headlines. No one will click through to read your blog posts if the headline doesn’t compel them to do so. Your headlines or blog post titles need to be powerful, engaging, and grab the attention of potential readers. Think about the questions your target audience has and what they will be searching for, then create a headline that shows you have the answers. For whatever reason, titles with six to 13 words tend to attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic. Generate a term or phrase that will make readers want to click on your content over someone else’s. For example, instead of “Tips to Purchase a Home,” consider “4 Little-Known Tips for the First-Time Home Buyer.”
  3. Always include images. Online articles posted with images get 94% more views than those without images, so take the time to find a photo or video that will work well with your blog post. Whatever image you choose will be displayed alongside your headline and likely will play a role in determining whether or not potential clients will read your article. Choose high-quality images that are relevant to whatever topic you’re writing about. Always be sure to follow image copyright laws and make sure that you are legally allowed to use an image before you post it online. Try sites like or for royalty-free images.
  4. Think about SEO. Search engine optimization is vital when it comes to blogging because it can make or break the way your content appears on search engine results pages. SEO can be extremely complicated, but there are basic steps you can take to incorporate this marketing technique into your content. Consider the keywords and phrases your target audience will be searching for in each article and try to incorporate them in the post. Link to relevant facts or ideas from reputable outside sources, and be sure to include links to other content you’ve created.
  5. Embed a call to action. Your call to action might be the most important step you’ll take when writing blog posts. Incorporating a call to action that you want your readers to take is the best way to transform potential customers into actual leads. Be concise and clear when asking your readers to take action, whether it’s reading another blog post, contacting you, or joining a mailing list. Make sure to include important links to make it easy for readers to move onto the next stage of your sales funnel.
By creating powerful content, sharing useful insider tips, and discussing important trends and topics in the real estate industry, you will build your credibility and reputation as an expert in your space. Investing the time to plan and organize a blog content strategy will pay off in the end. Don’t forget to promote the great content you’re creating on your social media channels, client newsletters, and any other marketing channels you use.