Share your views on this and other discussion topics for the next MLS Technology and Emerging Issues Advisory Board meeting.
Gears turning

The MLS Technology and Emerging Issues Advisory Board of the National Association of REALTORS® will be meeting next week to consider issues and topics confronting multiple listing services. The Advisory Board’s discussions will help determine potential recommendations for the Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee when it convenes during the virtual 2020 REALORS® Conference and Expo in November. Here are the key issues the Advisory Board plans to discuss:

  • Artificial intelligence, computer visioning, and other emerging tech
  • RPR commercial
  • Diversity, inclusion, and fair housing
  • The MLS Standards Work Group
  • RESO standards
  • Clear Cooperation Policy
  • NAR’s MLS Grant Program
  • The new MLS compliance process
  • CMLS’s move to engage over national MLS Policy

We welcome your thoughts about these priorities and others facing today’s MLSs. Please leave a comment below to join the conversation.
