Funding from the Women’s Council of REALTORS® helps associations create events that foster leadership development for female real estate pros.
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While women make up the majority of the National Association of REALTORS® membership—62%, according to NAR data—they are underrepresented in industry leadership roles. The Women’s Council of REALTORS® aims to change that.

WCR, an NAR group, is accepting applications for the Supporting Women of Real Estate Grant, which provides local and state REALTOR® associations with funding to create new and innovative programs aimed at advancing women’s careers. The deadline for applications has been extended to June 30. A total of 10 grants will be awarded in $2,500 increments.

“We are honored to partner with the National Association of REALTORS® over the past several years to provide over 32 REALTOR® associations with grants that provide new and innovative programs focused on advancing women in the real estate industry,” says WCR President-elect Kerri Hartnett. “Some of the program goals include inspiring women professionals to take on greater leadership roles in both business and organized real estate, in addition to recognizing the importance of creating financial and mental wellness in order to achieve a healthy balance in business.”

Grant recipients often use the money to organize one-day virtual or in-person conferences that focus on encouraging more women leaders. The Prescott Area Association of REALTORS® in Arizona, a 2022 recipient, hosted a conference to celebrate the successes of women leaders in the state and provide an opportunity for attendees to build professional relationships through sessions such as a “speed networking” activity.

The South Shore REALTORS® in Massachusetts, also a 2022 recipient, hosted an event called “Women’s Leadership Symposium: Accelerate. Advance. Achieve.” The one-day event featured sessions from successful women in real estate who spoke about the challenges and successes that affected their diverse career journeys. The sessions covered topics like leadership, public speaking, advocacy, showing value in negotiations and work-life balance.

Applicants for the Supporting Women of Real Estate Grant will be notified by July 31 about their acceptance.
