These are some of the most-watched episodes of “Window to the Law,” NAR’s popular monthly video series.
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These are some of the most-watched episodes of “Window to the Law,” NAR’s popular monthly video series.

Understanding Clear Cooperation Policy

Why watch it: Learn more about the policy, which promotes a more efficient and pro-competitive marketplace, and get answers to frequently asked questions about the policy.

Best Practices for Buyer Love Letters

Why watch it: Buyer love letters may create fair housing concerns for real estate professionals and their seller clients. You’ll learn the risks and best practices to consider.

How to Handle Multiple Offers

Why watch it: Get tips on how to alleviate misunderstandings and reduce the risk of liability in multiple-offer situations—and how to meet your obligations under the REALTORS® Code of Ethics.

Antitrust for Real Estate Pros

Why watch it: It’s crucial that real estate professionals avert anti-competitive behavior and avoid antitrust scrutiny as they serve consumers in their quest for home- ownership.

NAR's Fair Housing Action Plan

Why watch it: Learn about the guidance and resources NAR makes available to members as part of its Fair Housing Action Plan, commonly known as ACT (for accountability, culture, and training).
