A wooden house miniature protected on both sides from falling dominoes by a pair of hands.

Real estate pros are obligated to meet numerous legal and ethical standards in a transaction. Among subjects including home inspections, vaccine requirements, “sight unseen” offers, and more, find out some of the hottest topics in 2021 and be ready for 2022. The following are the top-read articles at REALTOR® Magazine in the Law & Ethics section.

3 Reasons Home Inspections Kill Deals

It may be tempting to blame a faulty property or an overzealous home inspector when a transaction falls apart after inspection. But there’s more to this common situation than meets the eye.

When It’s Your Shot

Pay attention to evolving guidance on COVID-19 vaccine policies and your business.

REALTOR® Magazine’s Law and Ethics main page

Bookmark this resource page from REALTOR® Magazine on pressing topics in law and ethics surrounding real estate. Find articles on how to manage risks, contract pitfalls, and how to avoid legal and ethical pitfalls.

Avoid Liability in Sight Unseen Sales

Problems can arise if a home doesn’t meet a buyer's expectations in real life.

Avoid Legal and Ethical Pitfalls

Maintaining a solid reputation contributes to your business success. Here are key steps to help you stay on the right side of the law and the Code of Ethics.