“Good is not good when better is expected.” The influential Vin Scully, who spent a record-breaking 67 seasons doing play-by-play for the Los Angeles Dodgers, was referring to the performance of baseball players at the highest level of their game when he offered this resonant insight. He could just as well have been talking about our expectations of today’s real estate practitioners.
As immediate access to online data now empowers consumers to do much of their own research and decision-making about almost every conceivable purchase, we must all step up our game to ensure REALTORS® remain the trusted authority. Online listing portals provide shoppers with a vast amount of community information. REALTORS® can no longer be good; we need to be great to demonstrate our value proposition.
Real estate is in the throes of revolution. In this day and age, even the most successful practitioners cannot afford to rest on their laurels. Now is the time to reevaluate business practices to ensure we are on the same page as those we serve. This may mean stepping out of our comfort zone with regard to new policies, business models, or technologies. With industry change moving at a warp speed, it is difficult to stay ahead of the curve and in front of the competition, but success requires our initiative.
The National Association of REALTORS® is committed to helping you thrive in today’s “better is expected” environment. The association provides a vast array of resources and services to support membership and to ensure REALTORS® have access to the tools needed to meet the needs of 21st century consumers. I learned, early in my career, that the single best way to discover all that NAR has to offer is by attending the annual REALTORS® Conference & Expo. The 2017 conference, Nov. 3 to 6 in Chicago—NAR’s hometown—will be the 25th I have attended. I come back, year after year, because, without fail, I walk away with fresh perspectives and implementable ideas. Between the extensive education sessions offered and the innovative technology displayed at the trade show, my eyes are opened to a world of new opportunities. Simply put, the conference betters my business. Whether it’s your first or your 25th time, take advantage of all the conference and the great city of Chicago have to offer by registering now.
The 2017 Leadership Team and NAR staff look forward to welcoming REALTORS® to the Windy City! In 109 years, this is only the ninth conference in Chicago. (One, scheduled for 1944, was cancelled because of war.) It’ll be a special event. We know you aim to go above and beyond to achieve professional success. We’re confident the 2017 REALTORS® Conference & Expo will do the same to help you meet your goals.