Dive into digital advertising and build your local brand with the National Association of REALTORS®’ newest REALTOR Benefits® Partner, Adwerx.
examples of Adwerx ad

Adwerx’s advertising platform provides a simple way for you to build awareness of your real estate business, win more referrals, and promote your listings to a group of targeted home buyers. Its technology enables your ads to target and follow local prospects as they use mobile apps and Facebook, and browse the web on realtor.com® and other popular home search sites, plus premium non–real estate sites including The New York Times, CNN, Yahoo, local news sites, and thousands more.

“We address the marketing needs of real estate professionals who don’t have the time or desire to become experts in digital advertising and don’t have the budget to pay an advertising agency to do it for them,” says Adwerx CEO Jed Carlson. "Our platform makes building and customizing ads easy, with the ability to be up and running within minutes."

Three core products are available in Adwerx’s suite of agent offerings:

  • Ads for your listings enables you to target potential home buyers within a specific radius of the home’s address, to people engaging in behavior indicative of moving, such as looking at listings online, or researching moving companies.
  • Ads by ZIP code will help you break into established markets by putting your ad in front of people who are thinking about buying or selling in the areas where you want to work.
  • Ads for your sphere of influence empowers you to stay top-of-mind with a targeted digital ad campaign to everyone on your contact list.

Every NAR member will now receive 15 percent additional impressions on newly purchased Adwerx campaigns through NAR's
REALTOR Benefits® Program. This offer magnifies your marketing footprint on its own but provides extra value when stacked with any existing Adwerx offers you may already enjoy through your brokerage, local association, or other Adwerx partner.

"NAR's REach® program enabled Adwerx to expand our footprint in real estate and strengthen our relationship with REALTORS®," says Carlson. "We're eager to give back with this special offer for all NAR members."

Learn more at nar.realtor/RealtorBenefits/Adwerx.


As of January 2023, Adwerx is no longer part of NAR REALTOR Benefits®.

Please email their customer service or call 888-746-5678 if you need to inquire about their educational programs.