Check out the latest news from NAR.

New Benefit: Members Medicare Exchange

Medicare-eligible NAR members can now shop for and enroll in a variety of Medicare insurance options through the REALTOR Benefits® Program’s new Members Medicare Exchange. NAR members may select from Medicare Part C (

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Medicare Advantage), Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap), and Medicare Part D (prescription drug) plans. The exchange also houses a resource center with a variety of educational tools to assist NAR members in understanding Medicare overall, available plan options, and cost-saving strategies.

The Members Medicare Exchange is the latest addition to the popular REALTORS® Insurance Marketplace platform, which also features a robust selection of insurance plans and wellness products, including major medical insurance, dental and vision insurance, a telemedicine service plan, a prescription drug discount card, and more. To learn more and get started, visit

Navigate Risk at Your Brokerage

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Real Estate Brokerage Essentials: Navigating Legal Risks and Managing a Successful Brokerage, Fourth Edition is the most comprehensive business tool available for brokerages looking to minimize their risk of legal liability. This updated volume covers the legal pitfalls in 15 topic areas from independent contractor issues and licensing real estate teams to office policies and RESPA.

Created by NAR’s legal team with a foreword by NAR General Counsel Katie Johnson, this easy-to-understand guide also includes training modules, current case law, checklists, and worksheets. Member price: $32.95. Order at Use code RMAG17 for 10 percent off.

Learn about issues and trends affecting the brokerage business at the REALTOR® Broker Summit in San Diego Feb. 14–15. Details are at

A Fresh Green Resource for REALTORS®

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The Little Green Book: Green Rules to Live By for REALTORS® is a collection of sustainability advice from NAR members designed to help you easily incorporate green practices into your everyday business. From how to promote the cost savings of energy-efficient homes to how to incorporate green concepts into your marketing, this guide offers 83 pieces of sustainability advice. It’s available for download and in print in packages of five at Use code RMAG17 for 10 percent off.

“Everything old is new again. When you improve a home and make it energy efficient, you are repurposing it to last for another lifetime.”— Pat E., Portand, Ore., Green