The uphill momentum we now enjoy in the green and sustainability movement is a direct result of the amazing hard work of our sustainability-minded members. The work that this group of great minds is doing is playing an incredible role in our direction as an inspiring leadership organization at the national level to both our members and American real estate owners.
Today, the Sustainability Advisory Group and attendees of the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo heard reports regarding the LEED recertification of the National Association of REALTORS® Chicago headquarters building, received an update from NAR Research, and learned about GREEN MLS data progress.
As for our national LEED Certified buildings—both in Chicago and D.C.—and our work as national organization leaders for sustainability goals and initiatives, we are hopeful to see our state and local associations embracing sustainable practices in their facilities as well. It is our quest to be good stewards of our buildings and communities.
In round table break outs, the group tackled the topics of high-performance homes, state and local sustainability committees, the ever-controversial topic of climate change, and NAR’s advocacy initiatives. Shifting the cultural approach to that of advocating for property rights as opposed to protecting them has to be a top down initiative.
All said, I continue to be impressed with how far we have come as an organization, and I am excited about what the future holds for NAR as a leader on the green and sustainability advocacy stage. Some of the key people making this possible include: NAR Past President Steve Brown, Todd Shipman, as well as many of my fellow NAR GREEN REsource Council Advisory Board members: Craig Foley, John Rosshirt, Kim Pontious, Eileen Oldroyd, Melissa Camp, and Bob Hart, in addition to NAR staff members: Amanda Stinton, Russell Riggs, and Marc Gould!
#NARLegislative2019 #ItsWhoWeR #RPAC50 #GetREALTOR #PowerOfR