Advertising in your local newspaper can still bring in real estate leads, as long as you are consistent and distinguish your brand from the rest.

Print media? Are you kidding? You might be thinking I’ve gone off my rocker. Hasn't every real estate pro and social media marketer espoused the Internet as where you need to be to attract clients? Isn't the Internet the be-all and end-all for real estate marketing and branding?

Of course, the Internet is vital to your business. The importance of creating a digital marketing presence hasn’t changed. My own marketing strategy includes having a strong online presence. There is nothing more powerful than being contacted by a potential client who has done his or her research online.

When it comes to print media, you’re probably envisioning the traditional ad with images of four to six houses you’re currently listing. Can you say “boring”? This is what 99 percent of brokers and agents do. It's also the reason most potential clients aren’t going to call you and say, “I love your ad. Can you come over for an interview?”

One of my favorite things about print marketing is coming up with ideas that will capture the imagination

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of the audience. In order for print media to be effective, it should be memorable. “Effective frequency” is a concept dating back to the late 1800s that says people need to be exposed to an advertisement multiple times before it will be remembered. So not only is creativity important, so too is consistency. And if your ads are out of this world, you can cut down on the amount of time it takes for your brand to become recognizable.


There are a number of ideas you can use to be memorable. Take a look at some print real estate advertisements that have improved my name recognition as a local real estate expert.

This first example on the right offers a touch of humor with the image of a funny dog wearing glasses. Notice how my name is prominently mentioned throughout the entire ad?

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My picture is also displayed because I want people to visually connect with me, the person behind the ad. There is a clear way people can reach me, and my websites are promoted in every ad I publish.


Seasonal advertising also makes an impact on potential buyers and sellers. I put out several seasonal ads throughout the year, including this Halloween ad in the middle on the right featuring a little girl watching something scary on TV, peeking out from under a blanket.

The lower ad on the right is one of my favorites because it uses a theme people recognize: see, hear, and speak no evil. The line “No monkey business” ties it all together. I also emphasize my real estate accolades in every ad.

I have created about 40 different

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print ads just like these that run on a rotating basis throughout the year in a local bi-weekly newspaper. I chose this publication because it has a longer shelf life than others due to the bi-weekly schedule. These ads have become so popular that people actually tell me they can’t wait until the next edition to see what I'm running.


Creating ads has become something I enjoy. I like looking for stock photos online and finding a way to make a memorable real estate ad out of it. I know many brokers and agents have completely given up on print media. Some of my peers have even criticized me for sticking with print. But it works for me because I’ve invested the time and consistency. Hopefully these advertisements have given you the spark to do something creative, too.


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