NAR’s new consumer ad campaign is a little edgy. It’s all part of a strategy to remind hyper-connected consumers about the importance of professional help in real estate.

You know what your agents do for their clients: Study the market, uncover property information that an online search can’t find, advocate for their clients’ interests, coordinate the myriad details of the sale.

But real estate websites and television shows have created a public perception that buying or selling a home is easy. It’s “infotainment” that perpetuates the notion that the transaction happens quickly and magically. Of course, in actuality, the process can be stressful and riddled with obstacles before a deal is made.

A new advertising campaign from NAR, dubbed “Get Realtor®,” offers the public a window into your world, shining a light on the value of a REALTOR® in a whole new way.

“Get Realtor®” is a digital, mobile-first campaign that uses humorous honesty. The ads celebrate the professionalism, market knowledge, and competitive advantage REALTORS® give their clients.

Giving Consumers the Real Picture

The campaign hints at what consumers don’t know and what can go wrong in real estate with statements like, “It’s all fun and games until someone doesn’t read the fine print” and “Based on your knowledge of building codes, the basement could definitely probably be finished. Maybe.”

Reminiscent in its simplicity to slogans like “Got Milk” and “Just Do It”—with a nod to the idea of getting real—“Get Realtor®” puts your brand in front of the current and future generations of home buyers and sellers. “The campaign aims to ‘redefine the R®,’” says NAR Senior Vice President of Communications Stephanie Singer. “What that means, in short, is repositioning the brand in today’s social online settings and getting in front of millennial consumers in particular.”

According to Google, the average person spends about 162 minutes per day on a mobile device. That’s closing in on three hours. “Get Realtor®” will engage with the modern-day, hyper-connected consumers where they are.

Social, digital, and radio segments launch Feb. 8, with videos and other shareable content. Facebook posts allow users to interact with “tap for sound” and “tap to reveal” features that give users a flavor of what a REALTOR® brings to the table. Instagram posts demonstrate the possibility of a different reality behind pretty listing photos.

Another piece of the campaign — a concept that generated conversations among some brokers and other members at NAR’s annual meeting last November — is a series of 30- and 15-second video segments called “House Off,” where consumers vie for their dream home in an “American Gladiators”–style battle. (The team that wins? The one with a REALTOR®, of course.) After reviewing research conducted with REALTORS® and consumers in late 2015 and early 2016, NAR’s Consumer Communications Committee recommended and NAR’s Leadership Team approved a targeted digital buy for these spots, to further test their performance in-market. Initial consumer testing in December 2015 found that 55 percent of millennials who watched the videos thought the ad would appeal to someone like them, and 43 percent said they would consider reaching out to a REALTOR® after seeing the ad. The ads will launch online beginning Feb. 22.

The great thing about an online-centric campaign, says Singer, is the increased opportunity for feedback and engagement. An online campaign (as opposed to a TV launch) will allow NAR to continue to test the effectiveness of the “House Off” videos, and the results will inform any potential future media placement.

Every six months, NAR will track consumer sentiments and intention to use a REALTOR® to measure the campaign’s effectiveness. Digital and social creative will be measured with consumer engagement metrics, such as click-through rates, shares, and comments. In addition, a random group of REALTORS® from across the country will be surveyed to assess engagement with and affinity for campaign elements.

New Social Channel for Members

Coinciding with the launch of the “Get Realtor®” campaign is a big change introducing a new identity on NAR’s social channels. NAR’s identity on Facebook and Twitter will now be consumer-facing and consumer-focused, and members who’ve previously followed NAR’s @REALTORS social media handles will now see content from @NARdotREALTOR. NAR will directly engage with consumers through the @REALTORS while also providing social content to members that can be easily re-shared with their clients.

NAR members — brokers and agents alike — are welcome to use “Get Realtor®” materials in their own direct outreach to consumers. Local and state associations will be encouraged to coordinate with the campaign; materials for REALTOR® associations to use will be available beginning February 24.

For more information, including campaign creative and an explanation of the strategy behind the campaign, visit the consumer advertising campaign on


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