Learn how to create dedicated pages on your website for compelling calls to action where potential clients will willingly supply their contact information.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of a well-cultivated online presence. When done correctly, your website should be a beacon that lures potential clients and showcases your identity and value as a business. But what about the power of landing pages? The sole purpose of these pages it to harvest contact information so that you can convert your new lead into a sale.

Think of landing pages as the newest generation of directing marketing. These dedicated pages are specific calls to action. When executed with precision, landing pages often boast a high conversion rate and can boost traffic to your brand.

As you craft or fine-tune landing pages for your website, keep a few of these ideas in mind to make them as effective as possible.

  • Keep it clean. The point of a landing page is to convert targeted interest into a lead. To do this, the design and content of your landing page should be clear, organized, and cleanly designed. Avoid clutter or unnecessary copy that obscures your conversion funnel.
  • Make content engaging. Sleek design creates an inviting framework, but your content should do the heavy lifting on your landing page. Pump up the keywords that drew visitors to your landing page. Organize your information with specific and engaging sub-headlines. Bulleted information that draws upon stats, testimonials, and other specifics, also makes content more readable.
  • Craft your call to action. Since the goal of a landing page is to gather contact information as a lead, try adding an easily spotted and straightforward contact form. Also, be sure to tailor the flow of your content with conversion in mind. For instance, the theme of your landing page should be clear from the beginning and narrow in gradually on a conclusive call to action.
  • Create an incentive. To mobilize your would-be customer, you might consider pairing your call to action with a promotion or incentive to submit contact information. A promo code, discount, or some bonus for signing up for your newsletter or submitting contact information can go a long way to cement your call to action’s effectiveness.
  • Incorporate visuals. In this day and age, it doesn’t hurt to supplement written content with a few visual cues. Again, it’s important to keep things streamlined and clutter-free, but a well-placed infographic or image related to your service can break up content in an intriguing way. You can further capitalize on visuals by making them clickable, sending visitors to a more specifically relevant landing page, a contact form, or a call to action.

As a direct marketing tool, landing pages pack a lot of power. But like any tool, they are effective only if they’re used intelligently. If you want to make the most of your digital presence, adding well-crafted landing pages to the mix can grow your imprint and convert online interest into real-world sales. Keep these tips in mind as you fashion your landing pages and bolster your business in the process.


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