Just as Denmark uses its historic values to shape its society, real estate brokers should establish a lineage for strong and effective leadership.

Denmark is often seen as a model for the rest of the world. Its economy is strong, its society is stable and safe, and its government supports transparent practices and excellence in education and healthcare. Denmark and its citizens are recognize as a bastion of level-headedness and dependability.

Like all Nordic countries, Denmark was founded on a strong sense of community and an understanding of the common good. Those principles are directly related to ninth-century Viking values that have been handed down though lore:

  • Courage
  • Truth
  • Honor
  • Fidelity
  • Discipline
  • Hospitality
  • Industriousness
  • Self-reliance
  • Perseverance

Built upon collaborative approaches to decision making, contemporary Danish leaders translate Viking values into everyday productivity practices. They focusing on delivery of services and goods by being courageous enough to be dependent on each other, experiment with systems, listen to others, and recognize multiple perspectives from both people and data.

Like Denmark, you as the broker are a model for your agents. You’re are the central repository for integrating and reflecting on inclusivity, risk-taking, and exploring trial and error approaches that enable your agents to become more open, courageous, and motivated to deliver the best services your firm has to offer.

On the whole, Danes strive for autonomy through collaboration and expect their workplaces to give them room to shape and evolve their professional roles and responsibilities with flexibility. Danes spend less time politicking, “fighting” with competitors, and reporting to superiors. Why? Because these things do not add value to the work.

Think about it. If you or the agents at your brokerage were to add up all the time spent on these things mentioned above, you’d realize that you’re wasting approximately 20 percent to 30 percent of “work” time. This contributes nothing to the actual delivery of agent services and products your brokerage firm offers the client.

It is not a contradiction to strive for autonomy and to work collaboratively for the common good of the firm. It is not impossible for you as the broker to give your agents autonomy in order for them to achieve strategic alignment and cross-functional collaboration.

By understanding the secrets of the Vikings, you can become a Viking broker with the courage of your convictions. Follow these five steps to get started.

1. Underpromise and overdeliver.

  • Make your leadership all about collaboration, pragmatism, and silent achievement.
  • Work hard to do your best with rigor and discipline.
  • Focus your leadership on delivering autonomy, collaboration, mastery, and purpose. 

2. Spend your energy on delivering substance and professional credibility.

3. Be transparent, fair, and honest.

  • Follow rules and customs that demand you to do the right thing.

4. Trust others.

  • View trust as a relationship builder.
  • Without trust, more time is wasted on non-value work.

5. Be collaborative.

  • Use collaborative approaches to work faster and more effectively.
  • Strive for you and your agents to work fewer hours and take longer holidays to feed your professional and personal lives through collaboration.


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