Individual volume: $10.5 million
Individual sides: 17
Catching the Real Estate Bug
At age 94, Quentin Green’s grandfather still works in real estate. He specializes in properties along Lake Michigan in Indiana and owns several investment properties throughout the state. "He’s smart. He taught bitcoin protocol to other family members, and he has a firm grasp of it," says Green, 27, who has inherited his grandfather’s passion.
"Real estate can be contagious," Green says. That’s why he’s out in the field as much as possible, discussing the market with people he meets. Last year, he helped three renters buy investment properties.
Green began his real estate career with rentals, spending hours each day on Craigslist. "I just helped some past clients buy a three-unit, $1.6 million property. They were my first rental clients ever from Craigslist."
Today, Green is director of development for the leasing side of Downtown Realty Co. He creates marketing proposals for multifamily buildings and leads a team of agents who handle the leasing of the properties in their portfolio. "This position has helped sharpen my communication skills and confidence greatly since I am interacting with developers and owners of large multifamily properties."