Individual volume: $17.6 million
Individual sides: 66
Being of Service
Throughout her high school and college years, Megan Walters, 28, held jobs in the hospitality sector, serving food and tending bar. She says it was the best experience she could have asked for to prepare her for a career in real estate. "It teaches you to put your humility aside to serve another, even if it’s not convenient for you at the time," she says.
When a regular customer encouraged her to get a real estate license, Walters figured it was a way to help people on a meaningful level and pay off her student loans. At the same time, she and her husband started a coffee-bean roasting business, Camacho Coffee. The two enterprises often overlap. Walters brings carafes of coffee to open houses and gives air-roasted beans as thank-you gifts. Colleagues and clients sometimes become coffee subscribers, and the couple gives a portion of their revenue to local nonprofits.
Walters is also an active volunteer with her church and organizations that serve children, families, and animals. It’s all a part of her journey to be of service to others.