Individual volume: $5.4 million
Individual sides: 23
Marketing Maven
Katie McAllister seems to have an endless well of creativity when it comes to promoting her real estate business. She has the usual arsenal of McAllister Real Estate–branded pens, notebooks, and T-shirts, but McAllister, 27, also sponsored a float in a local parade, advertised historic listings on the popular CIRCA Old Houses website, and even created a branded dispenser for dog waste bags in a local park. "I always have new ideas," says McAllister, who also maintains an Instagram account for her beloved Siberian huskies, Juneau and Bella. "I think marketing is fun."
McAllister brings equal energy to her association involvement—she just finished a term as her local association’s treasurer, is currently serving as the association’s 2022 secretary, and founded the only Young Professionals Network in Maine. She also steps up in her community—she is a member of her local planning board and the assistant women’s basketball coach at a local university. That might sound like a lot, but McAllister disagrees: "When you love what you do, you make time."